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Thread: Scarborough Reef 14/5

  1. #1

    Scarborough Reef 14/5

    Went out with a mate (Ben) late Sunday arvo/night to fish Scarborough Reef for the first time. It was pretty choppy but we decided to give it a go. Got there just before dusk and started pulling in just legal bream and some moses perch. Just before dark (before moon came up) latched on to a 43cm bream(hopefully pic enclosed). Caught it on mullet flesh. Ben was using peeled prawns and also caught a nice parrot.All up we probably caught and released 20 fish. As soon as the moon came up the fishing became fairly sparce. Can anyone tell me if this is usual. As it was pretty choppy pulled the pin about 7.30pm. Didn't get the chance to use plastics but we will be going out again hopefully in better conditions.Great time had by both of us.

  2. #2

    Re: Scarborough Reef 14/5

    Had another go at posting pic. no success. Any info on posting pics from digital cameras would be gratefull accepted.

  3. #3

    Re: Scarborough Reef 14/5


    Goto help menu I think everyone asks this question it's at the top of the list, don't forget 100kb


  4. #4

    Re: Scarborough Reef 14/5

    thanks Ads. Went and had a look at HELP and found it pretty informative. The problem is the picture is 800kb +. Mate is sending me a programme to enable me to downsize photos. Hopefully that will solve the problem, I don't catch too many fish I can brag about. Happy days

  5. #5

    Re: Scarborough Reef 14/5

    Dagwood, the easiest way ive found to downsize photos is to do it in paint. Open the image in paint, go to image / stretch,skew and make both boxes about 30%. Right click the new saved image and check properties for the new size.

  6. #6

    Re: Scarborough Reef 14/5

    I was out that way on Sunday arvo as well so I guess you were 1 of the 3 or so other boats there. Did all right in the end but it was a bit quiet for a while. 3 hits for 3 fish so had a good strike rate anyway.
    Heres the better 2 and got another squire.

  7. #7

    Re: Scarborough Reef 14/5

    Great fish Dezzer. Have never caught snapper. If you don't mind sharing tips(I will understand if you don't) what is the best rig and bait for them at Scarborough? We are going to have another go soon. Did you find the fishing went quiet when the moon came up.
    Regards Dagwood

  8. #8

    Re: Scarborough Reef 14/5

    dezzer who cares if u only got 3 fish if thats the quality your catching??????

  9. #9

    Re: Scarborough Reef 14/5

    I haven't used anything but plastics for ages. The snapper went 70cm's and the spotted grunter about 60. Thats the 1st grunter on plastics over there for me and my pb for snapper. Took my mate out last time I was on break and he bagged one at 81cm so there are some nice fish still to be had in close.
    I was there at 4 and gone by 5.30 so can't say much about the moon. Looking at my diary though a definite trend is starting to appear as better catches seem to be taken during the day when the moon is out. Also the period before and after tide changes is always dead and you need the water to be running using the plastics.
    I mean that it was quiet in that the usual couple of smallies and missed hits didn't happen but definitely not complaining about the end result.

  10. #10

    Re: Scarborough Reef 14/5

    Geez Derek - I'm lookin forward to Saturday now more than I was this arvo!!!

    Dagwood - From my limited experience there, there's mainly small bream and boat loads of 15cm Moses Perch there after dark... Would love to prove myself wrong though!!!

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