After a good Saturday night session on the islands, a last minute decision was made to venture out again. Even though some of us had to work(sorry Chris aka GWH and Mal) I managed to find a likely accomplice in AF member, fish2eat (Stu) to join me in the trek to the surf side.
With a high tide just on 5.30pm, it was not long before the tailor were on the chew. It was one of those memorable sessions, a whisper of south east that ran out of puff on dark, little swell or sweep and a sky full of stars.
It was also one of those sessions where, if something could go wrong it would. We had numerous biteoffs and fish come off in the last wave, a couple of freight trains missed that are still heading east as I speak and several tangles round the alvey. All in all we had a great time returning home by 8.30pm with 6 solid fish up to 2.5kg.
Thanks Stu for good company. It's a shame you can't come tomorrow night just because of some football game that's on??