Hey guys, it has been a long time since I went fishing (2 weeks is far to long) and yeah just two nights ago me and my friend decided "Hey we should go fishing in the Brisbane River". Me and my friend; Reg, were craving to go fishng, whether or not if we do catch anything. So on Sunday morning the 29th May we made out way to Southbank went on the Goodwill Bridge and went on the QUT side half where there are benches and yeah I was actually surprised how many fish we caught. All up we caught 19 fish from 9:30am to 11:30am, only using prawns as bait the first fish I caught was I think a small threadfin salmon (I couldn't I.D. it I went to Amart and looked at the books and I couldn't relate to it) then the rest were all Bream; most of them legal size, Reg caught also all Bream (most legal) but one catfish, damn you Catfish!
I've had previous experience with the Brisbane River, when I was 12 I used to go to Bulimba and fish near the Citycat jetty and caught very few Bream and Whiting and along the Southbank walkway last yeah and only caught damn Catfish.
Honestly, I was stoked and people were watching us but you know in their mind they'll think there are no fish in the river or if there is, its mutated. Well I had a ball, so if you guys are low on cash (especially with these petrol prices) because your spot is too far from home, give the Goodwill Bridge a go, cause I was getting bites everytime I threw the line in, I would've had more but I'm still not a very good fisherman.
And hey it would be kind of good if it did become a trend and more people came to the bridge to come fish.
Anyway that was my weekend, maybe if you fish there you might see me there, hahaha