Decided to not take the fishing too seriously this time round and concentrate on the muddies.
The crabs were there in our usual haunts but jennies proliferated as usual. A good feed of bucks each day though made it all worthwhile.
Fishing from the beach at crusoe was surprisingly good with bream to better quality than normal and few of them undersized. Most of the better ones fell to herring with prawn running second. A couple of hours on the beach with rod in hand ready for the very light bites which I have never experienced before, resulted in upwards of 20 (all returned bar 2 for the deckie's breakfast). This kind of catch was followed up daily with the bites still remaining very light.
Tried the hole at the NE of crusoe on three occasions and again, the bites were extremely light but constant. Best bait here was pilly for a better quality bream and all up must have boated 30 or more in 2 of the 2 hr sesssions, again, all returned bar a couple. The little feller had his first success on a 3" watermelon gulp that pulled a nice bream going easily a kilo but unfortunately he dropped it at the side of the boat. Half a dozen choppers were also caught but just as they came on, the dolphins moved in. Last 2 hrs of the run out was the time fished. One session in the same spot at the first of the run resulted in not even a touch despite the fish showing solidly on the's a funny old game ain't it?
The big rod was out from the beach at night with 25 cm livies on, but for the first time in the 3 yrs of fishing here, not a single run resulted.
Good company with Bev and Ross and their new rigand nice to catch up with some fellow ausfishers even if some little feller couldn't keep his strides on
...........Nice to meet such a happy family enjoying the water, Scott.
No pics as most fish were returned but here's one of a fabulous sunset courtesy of Bev (Colac Girl).