Went down to the Pine at 9am intending to fish the turn and run-out. Had 3 spots in mind and the intention was to give an hour at spot X and to move on if no result. Spot X has consistently produced small cod but tackle losses are heavy. The thought of that big one weighed on my mind as it always does when I go there.
Had 3 runs in the hour resulting in two bust offs on snags and one pearler of a cod going nearly 10 cmsThe buggers always head straight for the snags!
Sick of losing tackle (8 lots in an hour)I went to fish the barge at castle hill for an hour with a total of 2 bites resulting in one very small whiting which wasn't even hooked....he was simply gagged on the hook
Then moved to the mouth of a creek which had produced a few trevors in the past and sat biteless for another hour
Thinking it couldn't get any worse and wondering whether to target vermin, I decided to fish the flats for a chance of a lizard but got a nice show as I passed under the highway bridge.
The next 90 minutes was frantic and had me down to fishing only one rod. 22 bream taken with 16 of 'em keepers and one going 34cm. 3 pike were put in the esky as bait for future and all the bream were returned. Bait was pilly cubes and further to the glo bead thread, the rod I packed in was the one without a bead. I reckon the glo bead got hit 3 times as much as the one without.
The bream were holed up on the downstream side of the bridge, 3rd stanchion out from the southern bank. Don't mind giving the position as the bloody traffic drove me battyBream or no bream, it ain't really my idea of a bit of peace and quiet but at least I sharpened my reflexes
Dunno if it was simply a case of the fish being there and nowhere else or the state of the tide that brought 'em on. The time was 12. till 1.30 so it was mid ebb
No pics as I forgot the camera