Hi All
After copping an absolute drenching on Saturday for very little return, and then spending the weekend reading BEEFAMAN & AQUARIUS' great reports on their success in the usual haunts, i was unwilling to wait until Wed nights session with resident TINN. So, the call was made to IBBO for an SP only session at Wello this morning. When my lovely very pregnant wife (4weeks to go) kicked me at 2am this morning in the hope i'd stop snoring as i was keeping her awake, my attention quickly focused on the sound of rain pelting down outside! Great i thought, another drenching awaits! By the time IBBO arrived at 5.30am, it was stars galore. Super! What a great start!
We left Wello boat ramp circa 6ish and as i didn't have a sounder following its drenching on Saturday, i decided that our best bet would be to drift around the grounds where we anchor for our evening 'bait & burley' sessions. 1st cast, just flicked the bail-arm overand slam! A 34cm Squire back on its way. IBBO, same! My 3rd Cast and whack - Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Meanwhile, IBBO is into his 3rd Squire, again around the 34cm mark. Few minutes later and i finally get it to the boat and into the net a PB Snapper of 58cm! Woohoo! For the next 30mins, non-stop action as cast, bang, cast, bang. Not long and i have another in the esky at 43cm. Things slowed a bit but not before IBBO scored his 1st into the Esky at 40cm. By 8am, i had added another at 44cm - but not before a bit of outwitting! When my SP got slammed, he took a bit of line and was putting a bit of a show on (they go hard these Squire!). All the while IBBO is waiting patiently with the net when all of a sudden the run stops - the Squire had wedged himself into the reef! So, IBBO goes back to re-rig while i stood there and thought, bugger you, i've got all the time in the world Mr Squire! So, i let some line out as we drifted towards where he was lodged and within minutes, zzzzzzz as he shot back out! This time, no such escape option given and into the waiting hands of IBBO!
Things went very quiet until 10ish when we decided we'd motor over to Green and have a few drifts - again, a bit of guesswork as we didn't have a sounder. Well it must have been my day because 1st cast and whack! Another at 34cm and released! In the next 15 mins it was a fish a cast as i added another 2 to the esky at 40cm and IBBO chipped in with a 39cm specimen! Then the heavens opened up for the next hour with very little hits during this time! As soon as the rain cleared, on again and another for me into the esky at 36cm with IBBO adding a well deserved final fish at 40cm! The bycatch included a couple of choppers and pike, which will be used for tomorrows festivities with TINN and IBBO.
All in all, we must have returned over 30 Squire with at least 20 between 33 & 35cm. Choice colours by a country mile for the day was anything in Watermelon (Gulps & Powerbaits) although my PB was on a 3" Pumpkinseed Gulp Minnow.
A top day and my best SP session ever! Poor ole IBBO went through about 1/2 a dozen jigheads but has earned the nickname 'safehands' for his superb netting skills! Well Done IBBO and i hope we combine again successfully tomorrow night!
Take Care T