Another quality snappery squire T1.
Keep at it mate because PB's are meant to be broken.
You will have to start throwing the big ones back soon or buy a bigger esky
Cheers Brent
Hey T... who did you get that "secret weapon" off?? It was probably the last lucky thing you took off my boat didnt help me much - maybe you have to use lots... Now that along with the "highly touted" much maligned but ever reliable mullay (oh and super secret spot xyz) should keep em guessing for a while huh?
Another quality snappery squire T1.
Keep at it mate because PB's are meant to be broken.
You will have to start throwing the big ones back soon or buy a bigger esky
Cheers Brent
Holy T1 & TINN.... you guys are the Wello Pro's!
Anyway I just wanted to say thanks for the awesome reports that I enjoy reading so much, they always bring a tear to my eye!!!! Only because I have never caught a legal squaire in the bay!
You guys must be self employed to be going so often, kinda stirs the bug within me up and all i can think about is planning my next session!
Sounds like you had heaps of fun! AGAIN!
Just a question: Can you eat Wobbygongs and Black Reefies?
Anyway keep it up! Hopefully there will be some fish left when I eventually get a chance to try wello!
ADAMY, you've got the ingredients now you have to put in the time... #And it will happen!!
BRENT, thanks mate! #Current esky is big enough, just have to learn to fill it more regularly...
GEORGE, yes man, i am self-employed! #However, i have just sold/merged my business and unfortunately i will have to work for some of the week very shortly... #Not sure how i'm going to cope but will still have enough flexibility to get out at least 1-2 times a week... Not sure about eating the Wobby's but certainly the Reefie makes great fish'n'chips! It's just when you already have a 69 & 55cm Snap/Squire in the esly, it's hard to be bothered with a reefie!
Take Care T
Good report and Pics T1 and congrats on the PB
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Another great catch
A nice PB, and great report - like many of them!!- Now get out there and beat it!! And I'm sure you will!! BTW, I hope you gave the wobby a kiss goodbye! Ahhh - there's just something so attractive about those whiskers!!!