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Thread: Good night & bad fishin.....! :'(

  1. #1

    Good night & bad fishin.....! :'(

    Well we headed 2 coochie saturday night , stopped at pt halloran 4 bait with fellow ausfish vic1. 1st cast nothin 2nd nothin 3rd finally about 30 hardy's & away we go 2 nth E coochie . when we arrive we can't get on my spot, "BUGGER ME" theres 20 boats there.....! So plane B fish a bit wider not a thing, lost 4 baits. Stingray, grinner & pike. Still good 2 get out an have a fish.....!

  2. #2

    Re: Good night & bad fishin.....! :'(

    Any night on the water is better than 1 in front of the tele .


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