I like your CSI office I hope the operating table doesnt get too wet when the tide is in .
I like your CSI office I hope the operating table doesnt get too wet when the tide is in .
You'll need to do a bit of training before you get the CSI job.
First, get a pair of dark sunnies
These must be removed with a dramatic flurry whenever interveiwing a suspect. However you must never look directly at anyone you are talking to.
Actually now I think about it, the idea has merit. Ever had your favourite pozzie jumped by some other mongrel?
Run some "crime scene" tape 20m either way and wear white paper overalls
All jokes aside, that fish was mine. I just set it down while I went to get a loaf of bread. [smiley=angel.gif]
The whole world's mad save thee & me (but I'm not too sure about thee)
A Squirey Productions in association with Jerry Bruckheimer presents CSI Brisbane River - Starring DR SILENT MD...
Bizarre stuff SILENT - you must've been bored out there...
Take Care T
Silent good report, but you have been watching too many crime shows![]()
Agree with Muz I would never eat anything that I didn't know how and where it came from.
Silent you are going to have to pick an appropriate "The Who" music to go with your new show. Dont forget to insist on driving a hummer around.
Hi Silent,
Good on you for the CSI fish show on AUSFISH
Wish you were with us yesterday on fishing trip of boat all day from Cabbage Tree Point to Cruose Island area because I've caught a baby bream and noticed something strange sticking on its side of the bream, seems to be sea lice something like that, didnt have the chance to take photo of it for you to research more![]()
Happy life of fishing,
hobby whitings
"Looks like a gut hooked fish with the hook still in doesn't have a chance"
Tend to dissagree there,genneraly speaking I think they stand a good chance of survival if treated correctly.The lack of any line attatched to the hook in this instance would say to me that the angler simply reefed on the line in an attempt to retrieve his rig,could even be that this fish was simply upgraded (thrown away to accomodate a larger fish into the bag).
Great story there Silent, love the CSI stuff and patholgy work there mate.
Poor dead snappy hey.![]()
New season coming soon...![]()
[smiley=thumbsup.gif] VERY GOOD IDEA!!! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
Always worth while checking strange posts!
Very clever.
That sign is 1st class mate
Ii often wonder about how fish go getting rid of hooks when we deem them to be too hard to get out, I caught a big boy bream once with a rusted piece of hook sticking out his bum, so he wasn't in good shape.
Such a nice looking fish too, what a shame he didn't get to grow up a bit more.
Pity too about the parasite thing. Seems to be a lot of that going on around the Brisbane area [smiley=sick2.gif]
If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, politicians must be from uranus ?![]()
I bet that fish won't have the guts to do that again.
He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.
those poster there is no silent where is he! nice work.
THAT GOLD! [smiley=thumbsup.gif] Mean he will be no time to fishing (looking around for more crime sense [smiley=smug.gif]
I'm at university now to complete cousre and be back soon...Originally Posted by young_mind