Thanks guys- for a thought provoking read - so many good points- all a continual learning curve- an fun- I think fishing is one of those sports that lend itself to no boundries between people. It covers such a vast array of opitions or choices- weather its walking the bank with fly rod,fishing sp s on shallow reefs, up early heading into the sunrsie chasing pelagics or looking for something out wide. The young lad on the jetty with a handline and bread or the guys going out in the 100k rig out wide and all in between.

I dont think I have satisfactory answer for that master question-maybe its someone who knows the quarry-habits,location,favourable conditions he's after, perserverence, attittude/thinking etc- but maybe its just a label , a term- no offence- but one persons idea of a master is not necessarily anothers. May be its a case of our own personal standard.

At the end of the day- chances are I have a great day maybe matched the challenge in an ethical manner, an caught a fish or two -maybe a fresh feed for the table,released above that requirement so those fish may benefit someone else. If no fish - well theres always next time an more learning

I sort of remember a saying- something like- time on the water is not taken into consideration in our life span- live longer - spend more time fishing

best regards and tight lines