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LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06
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Thread: LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

  1. #1

    LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

    Hi Ausfishers,

    Sorry about the late report, I wasn't going to amke the post, but thought ...what the hec.

    We havn't had the opportunity to go for a decent fish in a while and wasn't planning on going until sometime this weekend.

    I was at work and then the usual symptoms crept up on me, double-click on the internet browser and open up the page to the ausfish site to see whats on the chew. Then look over to my other work buddy (also a mad keen ausfisher --who seems to venture offshore) and it semeed like the weekend was going to be a blowout, however I thought to myself, its either go home and do some more university related bull crap and re-organise my fishing gear for the next trip.... and then it hit, screw it.... I'm going call my other mate and see if hes keen to try his spot on the water.

    Anyway left work at 6pm.... got home and on the road headed for the braodwater down the Goldcoast. We were launched just under the sunnydale bridge and away we went not much of a boat ride to spot x by 8pm. and yeah we proceeded to fish very quietly..... not much action catching a few Bream to 25cm --- we made a rule 25cm and over is our legal limit, then we were cocky bastards and thought that we would up it to 30cm min. So we started throwing them back and then the first keeper came along.

    The compitition was on between my mate and myself... but after about 1hour and plenty of 25cm fish he caught the next 30cm keeper. I was worried I wasn't goign to baga keeper. Then we changed spot.... anyway to get to the point. I set my drag to loose and a short burst...zzzzzzzz and a tangle resulted in plenty of cuss words and then I decided to untangle the mess as i mumbled ....bloody baby fishies! After about 2 min, it was sorted and the wind was happening. To my suprise It felt like a bit of wait, in the dark i thought it was a pike as i lifted it out the water it was a decent Flathead to 55cm. I was grinning....

    My mate on the other hand was like.... and he quickly congratulated me, for reasons I would rather not go into we had to make a quick start and change spots! Nothing much else happened after that we fished around various structures, changing spots every 45min to an hour and I eventually caught my first 30cm bream thinking we were at a tie, my mates rod bent down in a hurry and it seemed decent....i neally lost the thing after 3 failed attempts to land it....nothing special but a decent bream and the biggest.... kickin my arse @ 38cm.

    The other bream inthe photo we caught were over 25cm and around the 27-28cm (we took them because they gutted the hook) and yeah I was also stoked with my first crocodile flathead which I took a snap of and returned to the water. spikey little buggers!

    Anyway it was good to get out, even though I did get in trouble from the misses! It was worth it, no sleep but good fun! Got home the next day at 8am.

    Until next time.



  2. #2

    Re: LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

    The crocodile flatty....pic on1.

  3. #3

    Re: LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

    The crocodile flatty....pic tw2.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member Adamy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

    Hey George... nice to hear from you mate... its been a while! Nice pic of the "crocodile flatty" I've never seen one before - and I thought I'd seen em all - just goes to show...

    Sounds like a big night on the water mate... glad you had fun and got a feed (even though you dont eat them)... maybe you should give them a go - who knows...

    Welcome back mate!


  5. #5

    Re: LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

    Good quality feed of bream. Sounds like there are still a fair few of them around

  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

    Glad you did post your report. We all love to read reports from the smallest to the biggest catches. I have never seen a flathead like that one and I wonder if they are edible.
    What bait were you using? I think it must have been prawns as both bream and flathead seem to have the same tastes.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member T1's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

    Hey George

    Good to hear a report from you - starting to wonder whether you were having a baby too....

    Anyway, sounds like a fun session and a couple of nice breambo's there!

    Take Care T

    PS: Missus's just don't understand - it would be different if they were able to do an allnighter in Queens Plaza...
    home is where the loan is...
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  8. #8
    Ausfish Silver Member JT's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

    G'day George,

    Sounds like a nice session. Pretty sure that little flatty is a Fringe Eyed Flathead, not sure about eating quality, I caught one not long back up at the Pin, he nailed me before I put him back in the water. Stung a lot more than a Dusky.



  9. #9
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

    not bad catch you have there.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member BrandonH's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

    Good catch mate a 38cm Bream is nothing to forget about!! my best to date is 37cms real keen to get one 40cms plus one of these days!!!!!

    The Fringe Eyed Flathead is a very pretty fish! I have caught 2 of them so far in front of clontarf both on plastics. I have heard they are realy good eating but havne't tried them myself. there is a thread in saltwater fishing photos if anyone is interested in seeing more shots and info on them


  11. #11

    Re: LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

    thanks for the report. awsome read as usuall.
    those croc flattys are an interesting looking fish. nice work.

    wish i could have gone fishing that night
    but what could i say, the missus...
    will tee up another session with you and nathan soon.

    keep the post coming.

  12. #12

    Re: LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for your responses!

    Adamy: Thanks for the welcome back, but... I will stick to catching fish, eating them isn't my thing, ive tried a fair few times.... i guess im a little fussy and turn my nose up at that ... if it aint chicken it aint on.

    Vanurose: I have seen other posts... apparently they taste better than the conventional flathead.... I caught the flathead on a stip of squid.... we were using a variety of baits, mullet flesh fillets, chicken thigh strips, pilchards.... they seemed to slam the chicken and the mullet came off second best, the squid got a couple and i dont think we caught on on the pillies.... oh well.

    T1: LOL.... women aye. Yeah well.... i'd rather be married to the sea, and have a mermaid on the side so she could direct me to all the good spots . Don't jinx me dude, I ain't ready for kids... and yeah it was a great nite and good to get out and on the water!

    JT: Geeze.... they look natsy... with everything I handle, I proceed with caution. A mate of mine's dad (you guys might know him as hes an ausfisher 'touchy') got hit by the barb of the flathead and didnt think much of it... it got infected and to cut a long story short, he lost his big toe!

    Brandon H: It was a nice bream... it took me 3 attempts to land the bugger. My mate wasn't too impressed with my deckie skills... anyway ... my pb is 40cm... not bad... yet they still seem really small when you take the photos. I recently viewed a post "show us your biggest bream" and that was something to strive for a black bream caught @ 59cm i can't remember what it wighed.

    cjockey: Hey buddy.... it was a good spot but next time we will have to do it properly....and Im keen to cast for livies and hit the canals.... anyway your the master....thanks for the complements.

    cheers everyone....


  13. #13

    Re: LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

    I thought touchy did hid thumb or did he do that also? Don't know him but I read it here on ausfish a coupla year ago.
    Any fishing is good fishing (should probably say Any fishing is...probably going to be illegal soon)

  14. #14

    Re: LATE REPORT: Stealth Fishing 9/9/06

    I thnk your crocodile is a Fringe Eyed Flathead. Caught one in the broady a couple fo weeks ago.

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