Hi Ausfishers,
Sorry about the late report, I wasn't going to amke the post, but thought ...what the hec.
We havn't had the opportunity to go for a decent fish in a while and wasn't planning on going until sometime this weekend.
I was at work and then the usual symptoms crept up on me, double-click on the internet browser and open up the page to the ausfish site to see whats on the chew. Then look over to my other work buddy (also a mad keen ausfisher --who seems to venture offshore) and it semeed like the weekend was going to be a blowout, however I thought to myself, its either go home and do some more university related bull crap and re-organise my fishing gear for the next trip.... and then it hit, screw it.... I'm going call my other mate and see if hes keen to try his spot on the water.
Anyway left work at 6pm.... got home and on the road headed for the braodwater down the Goldcoast. We were launched just under the sunnydale bridge and away we went not much of a boat ride to spot x by 8pm. and yeah we proceeded to fish very quietly..... not much action catching a few Bream to 25cm --- we made a rule 25cm and over is our legal limit, then we were cocky bastards and thought that we would up it to 30cm min. So we started throwing them back and then the first keeper came along.
The compitition was on between my mate and myself... but after about 1hour and plenty of 25cm fish he caught the next 30cm keeper. I was worried I wasn't goign to baga keeper. Then we changed spot.... anyway to get to the point. I set my drag to loose and a short burst...zzzzzzzz and a tangle resulted in plenty of cuss words and then I decided to untangle the mess as i mumbled ....bloody baby fishies! After about 2 min, it was sorted and the wind was happening. To my suprise It felt like a bit of wait, in the dark i thought it was a pike as i lifted it out the water it was a decent Flathead to 55cm. I was grinning....
My mate on the other hand was like....and he quickly congratulated me, for reasons I would rather not go into we had to make a quick start and change spots! Nothing much else happened after that we fished around various structures, changing spots every 45min to an hour and I eventually caught my first 30cm bream thinking we were at a tie, my mates rod bent down in a hurry and it seemed decent....i neally lost the thing after 3 failed attempts to land it....nothing special but a decent bream and the biggest.... kickin my arse @ 38cm.
The other bream inthe photo we caught were over 25cm and around the 27-28cm (we took them because they gutted the hook) and yeah I was also stoked with my first crocodile flathead which I took a snap of and returned to the water. spikey little buggers!
Anyway it was good to get out, even though I did get in trouble from the misses! It was worth it, no sleep but good fun! Got home the next day at 8am.
Until next time.