just back from a week at Burrum Heads with the missus. This was my second trip there as I went 18 months ago with the fishing club.
Sat arvo went for a flick along the shore with some SPs. Worked pretty hard for one 45 cm flathead and another about 37.
Sun took the boat outside to the 8 mile. Very quiet there and the current was running hard. About 7 am decided to head back in to try something different and found some fish working just outside the mouth. Hooked a mack tuna about 3 kg on 2 kg mono which I fought for 2 hours before I finally got it close enough to grab the double and managed to pop the albright. Bugga. Fish was tailwrapped which was why it took so long. Did get anoth mack tuna just over 3 kg on 3 kg spin gear and a couple of Watson's bonito.
Mon went for another look out the front but no surface activity. Too rough to get any further out. Trolled inside the river mouth and along the black bank. No fish but did some exploring.
Tues was blowing over 30 knots Southerly so had a rest in the morning. Went for another landbased flick in the arvo and had a good hit and hookup on my third cast. Fish ran out into the channel and stayed there and I could not move it on the 1 kg gear I was using. Probably a stingray and I broke it off. Had another good hit which felt like a better flathead but it threw the hook after 30 seconds.
Wed still blowing 25-30 knots. Live baited along the black bank for one hit and miss by a trevally on a herring near the surface. Went further up the river to a rock bar. Hooked a good fish on 4 kg line which powered across the channel, then I turned it and got some line back only for it to bury me and rub me off on an unseen bommie. Probably a good cod. Got another gold spot cod in of 37 cmCaught a couple os small queenfish which was fun.
Thurs live baited the red marker just downstream from the boatramps first up. Caught a 57 cm flathead. Went back up river to the rock bar but no action. Went further up to the deep hole at Buxton and found tarpon rolling on the surface but could not get them to take a small soft plastic.
Friday still windy!. Went back up to the rock bar and caught a couple of undersize cod. Went up to the deep hold and caught some bream on SPs and more little cod. Went back down the river the the black bank and live baited here. Got a couple of big green sea toads. Yuk! Finally at 1 pm after nearly 10 hours on the water clipped on a small minnow lure and decided to troll back to the ramp and had a hot within the first 2 minutes. This was a broad bar mackerel of 71 cm and 2 kg on 2 kg line. Trolled for another 2 hours for not another strike!
The gold spot cod, queenfish and broad bar were all firsts of species for me which was nice, but overall the river was very quiet. No-one was catching much. Only saw trevally smashing bait one day. Also very windy week with Sunday the only day I could get outside. All fish were released except for the 45 cm flathead and the broad bar.