We managed to have 3 hot tailor sessions in the week we were up there. Found a cracker gutter north of Dundaburra. It produced 2.5kg fish 3 days in a row. It was a pleasure to cast in and get hammered without waiting to long a nice change to the fruitless missions this past winter. The size stayed consistent and were alot of fun, I was busted off a few times by streamtrains heading out of the gutter, just to big for my gear. Got a good feed and will be heding back next year.
Does any know what causes the weed on Fraser? South of happy Eli creek the water was almost choclate brown, it was so full of weed.
Fraser has to be one of the best places on earth but hell the are some hooligans up there, we were nearly taken out 3 times on the inland tracks by blokes full of grog.
A word on the backpackers surely there has to be more regulations put in place before they are allowed to hit the beach and everybody else. They have no respect for the island or anyboby else on it. We were having some lunch at Eli giving the kids a swim and one of the overloaded troopies pulled up next to us and they all spilled out about 11 of them and started pissing in the creek up stream of all the kids. Gee i dont mind people making a buck out of the backpackers but they have to share in the responsibilty of these idiots behavior on the island. I could go on but we dont have time. They did however provide us with hours of entertainment at Indian Head by pass getting bogged and not going anywhere in a hurry.
I will try and post the photos of the fish.