A small window opened up in the weather this afternoon, so I hooked up the boat and was on the water (solo) at 4pm. Arrived at Mud 15mins later and started sounding for fish. Did not have to look for long as every little lump and hollow was holding bait and there were some awesome snapper shows. Cast out first plastic (5" smoke gambler) and as I was preparing another rod the one in the water buckled over and up came the first fish 40cms. Not even there for a minute so I was thinking this might be a good session. Turned out to be the biggest understatement of all time. Cast back out a smashed on the way down. 12lb braid disappearing like lightning off the little stradic and after about 3mins, ping, gooone.
Re rigged and it was quiet for a while so out went the other rod. Sure as s#%t, both rods buckled over within 2 or 3 seconds of each other. Once again 12lb line disappearing faster than the last one on one rod and the other rod was in the holder holding its own. 5minutes later and the first keeper in the net. A 70cm snapper and the other rod produced a 40cm fish which was returned. Back to one rod and a 4" powerbait in pumpkinseed with 1/8 weight. Cast out and once again smashed on the way down. Lost a heap of line on this one and actually started the boat to chase the fish (not real easy to do on your own.) Chased for about 5mins and then it happen again. Ping and gooone. The leader was actually very rough so I figure the fish had swallowed the placcie and the leader just rubbed through. Re rig, cast back out, smashed again. 63cm snap in the esky. Anyway, enough rambling. the end result was 3 snapper kept, 70cm, 63cm and 45cm . At least another 15 fish caught and released, of which 6 were between 40-45cms and 5 huge bustups. Back at the ramp by 6.30pm pondering the big ones that got away. There was not, at any time, a period of more than 4 or 5 minutes when I did not have a fish on or was getting smashed. What a session! Maybe tomorrow arvo again me thinks.
Sorry about the pics. Bets I could manage on my own.