Hi All,
Sat up watching the footy on Saturday night and noticed that the predicted winds didn't come up in the afternoon so set the alarm for the morning hoping it might be alright, what an understatment. Put in around 5:30am and headed to a spot that has produced its share of jacks for me in the past with the deckie making grumblings about heading elsewhere, We start flicking plastics around the structure I was zoned in on watching my line when i hear thht thht thht (no ZZZZZZ ZZZZZZ it was an overhead
) and look around to see the deckies rod doubled over but luckily heading away for the snag a short fight and a nicely coulored 46cm jack is in the net. That was it for him for the day fish wise driving the leccy has benifits
I managed a big eye trev, Gt, Flatties, bream & a mullet as well as a couple of bust ups but would swap it all for the jack
. The mullet had me going as he fought really hard due to the fact he was pinned just in front of the anal fin :