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Thread: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

  1. #1

    Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    bit of a late post. Went for a run Sunday morning to "blow out the cobwebs" and see if the mackerel had turned up yet. Very quiet till mid morning...even berleying with pilchards didn't help! Decided to head home and on the way spotted some birds & surface splashes...TUNA.

    As usual very frustrating trying to get in casting distance. Chased a small pod for a while and picked the direction of travel, wind etc. then positioned the boat and waited.

    Just as I thought I'd missed them and was about to start the motor the pod exploded not 10m away. I shot off a cast with a lead slug and started to wind fast...Bang! Woohoo...hooked up! First run was a screamer then the fish settled into slugging it out deep. About 10 minutes later it was exhausted alongside...a neat solo gaff shot had 4kg of fresh snapper bait in the boat.


  2. #2

    Re: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    I chased the schools saturday. They werent in big schools, were very skittish, and same as you, had problem getting in close.

    They didnt seem like feeding. more playing!!!!

    Still its fun chasing them. Had a couple of solid hook ups and bust offs.


  3. #3

    Re: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    Sure does get the heart racing!! We had the same problem on Saturday Mike. Just chasing them is fun whilst also a little frustrating. I'm yet to land one. So far 1 hook up 1 bust off.
    Congrats, great job on you own!!
    Cheers Kim.

  4. #4

    Re: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    its alot of fun chasing them tuna

  5. #5

    Re: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    G'day John,
    Top stuff there mate! Did you get back before the bay blew up?

    Just a quick question, you say you are going to use it for Snapper bait? Are they no good to eat?

    "Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore." -- André Gide

  6. #6

    Re: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    Nice Mac Tuna...
    What sort reel it looks good and what pound line you used?


  7. #7

    Re: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    if you're gettin busted off increase your leader size, say 1m of 15kg flurocarbon, and reduce your drag a bit - that first run can be a killer. They're not playing Mike - eating white bait, see top right corner of photo for a clue

    yeh, was back in by about 10am well before the blow. You can eat mac tuna...if you're really hungry. The flesh is blood red and very strong flavour....excellent bait though.

    it's an Epix EFS50 loaded with 6kg braid - medium hi-speed spin outfit.


  8. #8

    Re: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    Me and young bloke chased a few around mud ,landed four dropped a few but we had to drop down to 8 kg leader on 4 kg line. started with 15 kg leader but they wouldn't hit, as soon as we went light they were willing to play. didn't find them to skittish we had feeding frenzy after frenzy right within casting distance GREAT FUN

  9. #9

    Re: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    Thanks for the tip John. Ill give oit a go next time.

    I was using a 20gm chrome slug. Ill try the elader tip next time.


  10. #10

    Re: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    Good fun getting into the Tuna. Nice little Mac. They fight real hard for their sixe that's for certain.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  11. #11

    Re: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    Congrats and thanks for showen the size of the bait working out there


  12. #12

    Re: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    Well done,

    Tuna are always fun...


  13. #13

    Re: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    Nice fish well done.

  14. #14

    Re: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    Is the Tuna made out of plastic? How else do you use it for Snapper

    Sorry, I have the SP bug real bad, nice fish! I hooked a slab of tuna onto a hook in the Logan river once, and zzzzzzzziiiiiinnnnnnnngggggggg!! SNAP!

    Have you tried Tuna for other species?


  15. #15

    Re: Bay Tuna 12/11/06

    Top stuff. Nothing like topping up the bait fridge. Plenty of em around too by all reports.


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