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Thread: the bay sat 11/11

  1. #1

    the bay sat 11/11

    put in at pelica park 4am. Straight to mud.Got couple undersize squire. Chased bit bait fish around. With bots r the side everywhere, shot over to harrys, along with everyman and his dog. Got nothing so off to the sandhills. Thought mmmm nice feed whiting would be nice. Got there and group of about 20 boats. Got few little flatties, couple shovel nose. Put small bit squid on long shanked whiting hook, just put it beside me, them a 100 mph rod and reel went flying over the side and never touched the side. Mate and i just sat there and saw rod take off underwater at a big rate of knots. water was that clean u could see it go. What a bummer. Then got couple black tip sharks about 2ft6 long. Did they go off. Thing went dead, so headed up to tanga, once again with 100 odd boats. Tried the m9, dead, so flew home to woody. Eating the shark tonight. The day on the water was fantastic. Met gary and kim from pottsville out at tanga. They were drifting around and i saw the ausfish sticker. Really nice couple. We had a good chat.
    Hope to do it again soon.


  2. #2

    Re: the bay sat 11/11

    Shame about the rod mate. I always never tempt fate especially in the bay because there are some steam trains out there and they always seem to attack the rod that is left unattended. Those black tip sharks are great to eat so at least you caught a feed.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  3. #3

    Re: the bay sat 11/11

    at least you were on the water mate!!


  4. #4

    Re: the bay sat 11/11

    i read ur reply on the sharks. looking forward to feed tonight


  5. #5

    Re: the bay sat 11/11

    G'day Seahorse,

    Sounds like you enjoyed a nice day on the water. Along with the crowds, but at least you were out there. Good on ya.

    How do the big fish know when you aren't holding onto your rod?

  6. #6

    Re: the bay sat 11/11

    stuffed if i know. just smarter than us

  7. #7

    Re: the bay sat 11/11

    Was a top day on the water sat. No good about rod,bummer. We were the only boat at our spot,bout 2nms out of Wello.(see photo on"wello pt sat11/11). in this section.
    Avast ye matey!

  8. #8

    Re: the bay sat 11/11


    Sounds like a brilliant day, and a shame about the loss. Good excuse to go buy more!!!.

    Do you back the drag right off if you leave the rod unattended? I always do... just incase.

    For all your MARINE DETAILING needs

  9. #9

    Re: the bay sat 11/11

    I learnt my lesson many moons ago (even though it took a couple incidents to get it into my thick skull).....never put a rod down unless its in a holder, the drags backed off and theres a lanyard attached. First two lessons cost me $400......and that was twenty years ago!


  10. #10

    Re: the bay sat 11/11

    This is what your rod will look like in a few months time..... Then some one will find it - salvage it and be very happy (found this one at the Goldy on Saturday...)


    Comiseries about the rod... go back next week - you might catch it - stranger things have happened... if you do - dont forget to report it! those black tips are pretty good chewing tho....

  11. #11

    Re: the bay sat 11/11

    Greg, you did'nt mention the rod overboard @ tangas
    we had a similar thing going in the morning @ mud.....everytime Kim would pick up a peice of fruit or a sandwich for a bite, her plastic would get hit . good thing she was still hanging on to the rod. For some strange reason she was using my rod @ reel, & I was using hers .

    we went back to mud for no result, then worked our way back to raby bay stopping to chase the pelagics on the way. kim got one hook up but dropped it after a little mix up with a spare rod. kim will put up a report later today.

    Good to meet some more ausfishers on the water, Enjoy the shark, they make great curry, nice firm & white flesh.
    cheers, Rod & Kim.

  12. #12

    Re: the bay sat 11/11

    Hi Greg, How was the shark?? I'll PM you the curry recipe
    It was great to meet you guys and nice to chat to some fellow Ausfishers.
    Bugger about the rod and reel. I'm still not happy about dropping that tuna. >.
    Cheers Kim.

  13. #13

    Re: the bay sat 11/11

    hi rod and kim. Sorry mate i said gary in the first post. U notice how one always remembers the name of the good looking one.
    The rod eposide was not much fun. As dave said ,good excuse to buy another, just dear way of doing it.
    Didnt think much of the shark. Had to strong a taste. The shovelly was tasteless. Oh well worth a try. Hope this w/e is just as good. whats the odds of 2 in a row.


  14. #14

    Re: the bay sat 11/11

    Quote Originally Posted by seahorse
    hi rod and kim. Sorry mate i said gary in the first post. U notice how one always remembers the name of the good looking one.
    The rod eposide was not much fun. As dave said ,good excuse to buy another, just dear way of doing it.
    Didnt think much of the shark. Had to strong a taste. The shovelly was tasteless. Oh well worth a try. Hope this w/e is just as good. whats the odds of 2 in a row.


    good looking one? you still got my name wrong
    try the shark in a curry sauce and you will find it works better.
    as for 2 W/E in a row......bring it on.

    cheers, roo.

  15. #15

    Re: the bay sat 11/11

    Check your pm's Greg!! No babe he got the name just right!!

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