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Thread: more than crabs !!!

  1. #1

    more than crabs !!!

    hi everyone
    a mate told was saying that his boss had a couple of dillys in from the bank up wardell way (in the richmond river ballina). they were sitting on the bank kicking back when all of a sudden one of the floats started dancing around big time, they jumped up from there slumber and dragged it in to find a huge female flatty caught in the netting by her gill spikes.. they got her out and took a couple of pics with the kids and swam her around for a bit... by all accounts the fish was fine.. sadly i have no pics at the moment but im working on it ... im glad they where on hand to release the big girl.........

    has anyone else had this happen to them..??

    regards Maxi

  2. #2

    Re: more than crabs !!!

    had a simillar thing happen to me years and year ago while hanging hop nets off a bridge in the the Hunter river in Newcastle, Liffed the net to see a huge flattie laying there, eyes light up untill I had it 1/2 way up ( about 20 ft) when with a few flicks of the tail it was gone
    Rainbow Trout is NOT skittle flavoured fish.........

  3. #3

    Re: more than crabs !!!

    i caught a 3.5 kg cod in the brisbane river a few years ago.
    That was a lucky day.

  4. #4

    Re: more than crabs !!!

    In the past we have caught a half decent bream and Luderick in a crab trap.
    Yesterday the kids caught a decent sized muddy while fishing...hooked itself through the mouth while being greedy. The downside was, he was only half full when cooked.

  5. #5

    Re: more than crabs !!!

    Got a cod in a pot up at Townsville once. While throwing the cast net got two small Barra and a small shovelie in the one shot.

    Avast ye matey!

  6. #6

    Re: more than crabs !!!

    My bloody biggest bream came out of a crab pot.

    ps..dont tell anyone was caught on 2lb mono ok


  7. #7

    Re: more than crabs !!!

    Brother in law got a 3 foot cod in a 3 foot wire netting pot off the drop off at the Hanlon light. The cod was end to end in the pot. He had spat out 2, 1/2 kilo bream to get in: both of which had no scales left on them.

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