At Dohles rocks at about 4am Sat with Tim from Ausfish for a run to chase Mackerel and tuna, he was keen for some tuna action and to score his first legal mackerel, which he did. The sun was just starting to create that orange glow on the horizon, about 10knots of SW, nice and cool and off we went. Weather reports were for 10-15knots SE, I predicted a bit less than that (I was wrong) it was definitely gusting up to 20knots easy.
Anyway headed out towards the beacons saw a few birds and tuna schools but couldn’t get a hookup, then started drifting and casting slugs around the beacons, Kaimen was the first to hookup and boated 2 nice ones over 60cm for the day, and lost a beauty very close to a metre right beside the boat my fault apparently with a missed net shot. Tim scored 2 legal schoolies and lost a nice Yellowtail Kingie to the beacon, had it right up to the boat till it saw us (musta seen the haircut Tim?) and it was off seeya later decent run and hid behind the beacon taking his lure with it. Yours truly had 2 hits and miss, and something nailed a huge squidgy on the bottom on high tide with a fair bit of weight, spitting it out and leaving me with a mangled squidgy. Other than the wind it wasn’t a bad day, there was still a few other larger tinnies and boats on the water, no ausfishers tho, and we came home with a feed.