The family & i got back from Newcastle on sunday (a friends wedding ). Feeling tired & a little bit under the weather (self inflicted )
the son in law (swampdonkey ii ) & i decided that today would be an ideal chance to zapp out & tangle with some macs [smiley=smartass.gif] The decision was made & the only thing in my way was that four letter word (work ). Problem solved, sms the boss & away we go. Or so i thought, fuelling up at the servo & who pulls up the boss's best mate, with a lot of ducking & weaving & some funny looks from the people inside i managed to elude him (lucky he doesn't know my boat & ute ) Anyway got to the beacons & managed six schoolies, one on a pilly, one on a plastic, and four on slugs. Agreat day was had by both & i suppose i'll have to deal with that four letter word tomorrow. Cheers MM