G'day all, took one of my mates (a SP virgin) down to the 'Pin this afternoon to fish the run out tide near the bar. As we arrived we were treated to a pair of F1-11 jets cruising low level up the coast which was pretty bloody speccy. The current was fairly ripping around Kalinga Bank, with a bit of a wind against tide situation as well, but I managed to jag two flatties to 61cm to kick off the tally early. Eventually it became too tough to keep in contact with the plastics and the bottom and my mate was losing patience so I headed back upstream to a few areas of weedbeds that I know are a bit more protected.
Action was pretty consistent on fairly small flatties although I dropped a nice fish estimated at about 80cm when she rasped through the 10lb leader. Would of released her (obviously) but it still hurts when you get a look at them and then drop them. I knew I might be in trouble when I saw that the gulp was completely inhaled! Eventually my mate pinned his first fish and skull dragged it to the boat which was a bit of a laugh. He was rapt and then preceded to score two more fish including his first keeper. I think he may be converted and no longer believes that all of my fishing tales are full of crap so I was pretty stoked for him as well.
All up we managed 9 flatties to 65cm and two trevors to 32cm and an impromtu air show, which was pretty good in reasonably difficult conditions. Successful lures were 5" gulp jerk shad, 3" gulp minnow and Squidgy fish fished on 6lb braid with 10lb flurocarbon.