Hey guys, will make this quick as time is limited. Firstday was interesting, a lateafternoon fish off thejetty saw plenty of hook ups and lost jigheads withthe culprits believed to be yellowtail kingfish and possiblytailor. All Isaw was a biggreenback atone point and a yellow tail at another. Veryfastfish which have so fareluded capture. Second day I tried the same again (runningoutof plasticsfast because of theteeth) and this time managed togetone in right closeafter a short but quick fight. Turned outit wasn't tailor thathad been biting me off but spotted mackeral. I got him right nextto the jetty before the hooks pulled. Havehooked the kingfish afew times since but sofarhe's either dropped the hook or racedstraightunder reachtime. I don't fancy my chnaces on 4lb line. Anyways, sorryfor thecrappy spacing, kiosk keyboards suck. Will keep updatingthroughthe week. Fish outta water (carl) shouldarrive today, here's hopingthe wind dies for both oursakes.