Joshy and i left the Goldy early this morning again to fish the rocks on the North Coast of NSW. After getting smashed up yesterday morning we were out to redeem ourselves. Conditions were bloody beautiful for the 2nd morning in a row with no swell or wind, which makes rock fishin a lot easier.
Redemption came within 10 minutes when my 135 Roosta Popper got absolutely crunched in a massive surface explosion followed by an awesome battle which had me circumnavigating the rocks trying to keep him away from the bommies, and the sound of 30lb braid sizzling. Good feeling to finally land 1 after being busted every other time. He went 76cm. Joshy managed a Tailor, 52cm, and dropped another on a 50g metal. Things then went quite after that as usual and we were off the stones at 5.45am.