Humdinga Amphibious 4WD, V8 350 BHP, Road top speed 160kms, Water top speed 65kms..... I guess I wouldn't have to worry about leaving the car and trailer for some scum to knock off from the boat ramp carpark !
Humdinga Amphibious 4WD, V8 350 BHP, Road top speed 160kms, Water top speed 65kms..... I guess I wouldn't have to worry about leaving the car and trailer for some scum to knock off from the boat ramp carpark !
Are you thinking bloody Yanks ? Wrong .... Actually a Kiwi !
160kph a lot of wind would be lifting the front of that thing up.
Not too sure how much I'd trust its 4wding ability with folding wheels.
That is a humdinger allright, check out the posture on those passengers in the first two photos they seem much more relaxed on the road, bit funny actually, might have been the maiden voyage or an throttle problem? Tough piece of machinery in a punsie (sp) kind of way.nq
Yeah he looks very concerned and hangin' on tight !
I forgot to mention you can read the full details and find some other very interesting stuff at in the 'on the water' section.
Looks like a humvie & a stabicraft got too close after a few drinks one night!
Any fishing is good fishing (should probably say Any fishing is...probably going to be illegal soon)
The centre steering could make reverse parks a bit difficult
New Zealand--Land of Hobbits, Kiwi Birds and swimming automobiles. Truly God's Country!
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.-- Mark Twain"