i just saw a story on ch10 news saying the 50% of australians want 4WDs banned on streets and that 60% thought a special licence should be required to drive one. just made me wonder where the sample population for this study must of been!
little hatch backs are great for driving around town but what happens when you`ve got a big family or wanna tow a boat or van around. i sort of agree that maybe they need to introduce so sort of special licence or training to drive a big 4WD (only after afew close calls with them around town) but what about the Rav4s, Jimnys or all the MPV getting around at the moment? my mums V8 statemsman is bigger, heavier and got a hell of alot more power than alot of 4WDs but she`s never had to do anything special to drive it around mayeb they need to think about that before complaining about 4WDs. as far as i`m concerned its not cars that cause crashes its drivers.