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Psychological State of 4WD owners. - Page 2
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Thread: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

  1. #16
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    When my mum was in hospital there was a woman in the bed next to her...about 25 I guess she is...she was involved in an one else in the accident was injured except for her...her injuries...legs driven up thru her hips and shattered both of them..why? she had the seat reclined and her feet up on the dashboard...ever wonder why racing drivers walk away from some horrific crashes...they have upright seats and feet on the floor...keeps everything in place...these people driving around with seats relinced way back need a basic physics lesson...the basics of inertia.

  2. #17

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead
    the basics of inertia.
    Yep K=MXV2

  3. #18

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    Yes thats so true. I see a lot of that seat reclining and feet and arms hanging out of the window lately. More so than now than in the past. What is all that about?
    I have heard of a relaxing drive in the country but that is rediculous. Is it cool to have body parts hanging out of car windows these days? I just dont get it.

  4. #19

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    Just as cool as having your boxer shorts hanging out the top of your pants. Oh what a feeling.
    Always good when some of these people grow up and mature, then they can look back and think, didn't I look like a twit.


  5. #20

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    When you see all the stupidities done in vehicles, you got to beleive that what we need is more police on the road not sitting behind speed cameras. Sure there are lots of things that are illegal eg mobile phone while driving but what are the odds of getting caught. ???

    I wonder what effect it would have on driver behaviour if it was standart practice to have a number of police vehicles cruising up and down the highway.

    Speed cameras are a static police hazard not that difficult to avoid but cruising marked and unmarked vehicles are harder to avoid.

    When you see where most speed cameras are located, you have to think revenue raising. They're so much more profitable that other enforcement action but then isn't the name of the game enforcement not $$.


  6. #21

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    We have a school zone outside our place, NO parking, no standing, no stopping. 3 guesses who are the worst offenders?

    On friday I asked a woman driving a huge soft roader just why she chose to park in a no stopping zone when there were plenty of legal parking spaces Her reply in front of 3 kids all aged about 5 to 10 years old?

    "F#@% off I'l F$##*g Park where I F%$#$G like"

    This is a Mom picking up kids from the local catholic school with her business name on the side of the car!!

    My wife and I have both been threatened by people parked over our driveway when we ask them if they would please move so we can get in our out the usual reply is "I'll only be a minute" as if we are being unreasonable to ask them to move.

    I blame a generation of "ME" I will do what I want to do when I want to and how I want to and I don't care about anyone else.

    It is the attitude not the car driven unfortunately if you have that attitude then you are more likely to hide in some huge soft road 4wd that has never seen a dirt road.

    It is interesting the true 4WD styles (and it is easy to pick them) usually park legally and are no problem.

  7. #22

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    Hey Dug, next time they park across your driveway, take the wheelie bin out and put it in front of them so they need to move it out of the way, they may learn to stay out the way next time. Although, thinking about it, they'd probably just push it out the way and knock it over. Bad Idea, sorry.


  8. #23

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dug

    I blame a generation of "ME" I will do what I want to do when I want to and how I want to and I don't care about anyone else.
    This is so true.
    I am finding that more people are taking being assertive and turning it into being aggressive.
    It is a sad thing that is happening to our society.

  9. #24

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    I occasionally park my truck behind them locking them in.

    It is amazing how it is OK for them to block my driveway and stop me from getting in and out but if I then park them in they get really angry and shout about how they are in a hurry and how I must move my truck NOW! [smiley=furious2.gif]

    If they are parked illegally I usually hand them my mobile phone and ask them to call the police or sometimes I just apologize but my truck has a problem starting and just needs to cool down for half an hour or so and it will go again [smiley=angel.gif]

  10. #25

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    LOL, so you should too. Stuff them, I picked my kids up this arvo and a bloke nearly run me over while I was crossing the road from the car park to the school, and then parked in a 'No Parking' zone. I was going to say something then thought, what would if help. 10 minutes later when coming back out again, there were about 4 cars in the 'No Parking' zone. Guess not many parents can read.
    Not one of these were a 4WD either, I guess that makes it OK then.


  11. #26
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    The trend for people to want to park any where they like is wide spread. I like in a small town.
    A while ago a person was parked across my work driveway facing wrong way. When I asked them to move they said when their friend got out of the shop and just sat there. Surprising how soon they chenge there mind when the heavy aluminium roo bar on the front of an F250 ambulance complete with a full set of flashing reds and a 100 watt electronic siren starts coming for the drivers door.
    John m

  12. #27

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    Quote Originally Posted by saphire
    [quote author=Dug link=1120819141/20#20 date=1123489422]<br><br>I blame a generation of "ME" I will do what I want to do when I want to and how I want to and I don't care about anyone else.<br><br>
    <br&gtug,<br>This is so true. <br>I am finding that more people are taking being assertive and turning it into being aggressive. <br>It is a sad thing that is happening to our society.[/quote]

    This is a result of being "empowered". It's the politically correct thing nowadays to empower youth and allow them to make decisions regarding their everyday life long before they are prepred for it. The trouble is that they are empowered long before they are mature or knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision.

    I see the devastating results of this when applied to the "empowerment" of foster kids who are even less likely to make an "informed decision" than a kid who is raised in a stable background.

    Kids are taught from an early age that they are entitled to "have a voice" and I am in full agreement that they should be able to voice their concerns. Unfortunately this "having a voice" is translated by many into thinking that what they (the child) say/think goes, and that they (the child)are entitled to an unswerving opinion/attitude that owes allegiance to no-one other than themselves.

    It's sad because this translates into adulthood and bodes ill for the future. What's even sadder is that the "policy makers" fail to realise that the kids were happier and safer when decisions were made for them, despite their protestations to the contrary.

    Kids need to be allowed to be children. The angry young men and women that we see today are the direct result of giving them too much freedom as kids and steering them towards the responsibilities of adulthood long before they can handle it.

    People are angry/ignorant as adults because they were ill prepared as children and it's "political correctness" and the "flower power" parents that have translated this down into two more generations.

    It's a pity that only the "far right" seem to voice these concerns because politically, I am so far left I'm off the field


    kev the controversial

  13. #28

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    you will get no arguments for me Kev

    Kids need rules and space so they can find out what is right and wrong. They have to have boundaries set and than find out how far they can push them.

    It's part of being young, these people have no idea that other people have feelings or that what they do affects others.

    It has been said it takes a village to raise a child.

    You have my admiration for taking on a foster roll in these times Kev more support and assistance should be given to people taking care of children in our society.

  14. #29

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    Like Dug, we live adjacent to a school. The Council built an off street parking facility for the very purpose of getting cars off the road while they're taking their kids to school. It's about 130 metres down the road.

    What gets me going is the number of people who ignore this facility and try to park as close to the school gate as they can, sometimes across or partially across our (and the neighbours') driveways.

    They are usually agressive drivers who always seem to be running late, and by the look of most of them, a short walk wouldn't do them any harm at all. Another thing is that most of them drive SUV's and you see them pick up one kid.

    I'm afraid I lost it one afternoon when I arrived home to discover a woman sitting in a parked across our driveway. I parked our car in such a way that she couldn't drive off, nor could she reverse out due to a parked car behind her. I just sat there until the owner of the other car drove off. Total chaos!! Cars couldn't drive up the road, they were beeping their horns and yelling at me. Couldn't have cared less. Haven't seen her back.

    When we and the neighbours ask the school principal to remind parents to use the off road facility, the official response is that the school cannot tell parents where to park.

    But back to the original thread: the major complaint I have with 4WD's and SUV's is that's nearly impossible to see what's coming up the road when I'm trying to back out.


  15. #30

    Re: Psychological State of 4WD owners.

    Quote Originally Posted by theoldlegend
    Like Dug, we live adjacent to a school. The Council built an off street parking facility for the very purpose of getting cars off the road while they're taking their kids to school. It's about 130 metres down the road.

    What gets me going is the number of people who ignore this facility and try to park as close to the school gate as they can, sometimes across or partially across our (and the neighbours') driveways.

    They are usually agressive drivers who always seem to be running late, and by the look of most of them, a short walk wouldn't do them any harm at all. Another thing is that most of them drive SUV's and you see them pick up one kid.

    I'm afraid I lost it one afternoon when I arrived home to discover a woman sitting in a parked across our driveway. I parked our car in such a way that she couldn't drive off, nor could she reverse out due to a parked car behind her. I just sat there until the owner of the other car drove off. Total chaos!! Cars couldn't drive up the road, they were beeping their horns and yelling at me. Couldn't have cared less. Haven't seen her back.

    When we and the neighbours ask the school principal to remind parents to use the off road facility, the official response is that the school cannot tell parents where to park.

    But back to the original thread: the major complaint I have with 4WD's and SUV's is that's nearly impossible to see what's coming up the road when I'm trying to back out.


    [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] [smiley=laola.gif] [smiley=wink.gif]

    I must buy you a beer sometime and we can swap stories

    Someone round here, who will remain nameless, has taken to writing "NO PARKING ZONE" in big marker pen across the windows of illegally parked and untended cars.

    cheers doug

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