Hello all,
Sometime later this year I am thinking of replacing my old (and I mean OLD) Tojo Land Cruiser FJ60 with something smaller and less thirsty. Although the old Cruiser has taken us lots of places, to the beaches of Fraser and Moreton, the arid country in SW Queensland and even to a brief play along snow-covered tracks around the back of Mt Koscziesko, it is about time to say goodbye.
Budget constraints mean that its replacement will be second hand. These days, the kids wont be coming along, so a significant downsizing is possible. Usually there would be only one or two people on board.
I want something that can tow my 12 ft tinny + 20hp outboard, and can go up the beach to Double Island Point on occasion. I am thinking of a SWB (3 door) Suzi Vitara, maybe about 5 6 years old.
Does anyone have any experience or advice to offer? Things I would like to find out include:
- Cost?
- Performance off-road/sand tracks/beach? (I have heard that they perform pretty well on sand)
- Fuel economy?
- What engines/other options were available?
- Reliability?
- Things to look out for buying one second hand - common faults, etc.
Thanks in antici ..pation,