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Thread: Lifting a Cruiser

  1. #16
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser

    If you have coil suspension at both ends then lifting it is easy. But keep in mind 2" is the highest you can lift your vehicle legally in QLD.

    Probably the main reason the 100 series just seem to a little low, is because these days 4wd's arent produced to go offroad...its more a pick the kids up from school thing. anyways, with that rant out of the way

    Replacing coils is an easy job, but if you have limited mechanical knowledge then I would strongly suggest getting someone else to do it.

    Just a quite note on torsion front ends (aka independant front)...sure you can dial the front up, but when you do this, you will effect the amount of down travel you have....basically...offroad...IFS SUX!

    But once again...thats what mummy wants when she is dropping off the thats what the manufacturers produce...serious off roaders are coming second these days when it comes to new 4wd's.

  2. #17
    Ausfish Premium Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser

    Thanks mate,

    "Limited mechanical knowledge" would be putting it mildly

    It's getting done on Saturday by the bloke GBC suggested, and for a fair bit less than TJM or Opposite Lock quoted. The bloke reckons that the 2" will be more like 3" since the original(?) setup has sagged a bit - I'd definitely agree with this as I've had the truck since 2001.

    This is fine for my purposes as I'm only offroad a few times each year, and it's most noticeable when I scrape my towball on the ramp when entering/leaving the barge to Moreton. It should also help for hitching up the boat on my reasonably steep driveway facing downhill - currently I've got a bit of work to do to get the jockey folded when it's lowered on to the towball, as some of the weight is still on the wheel. An inch or two is all I need to help with this.

    I'll let youse know how I go.

    Good luck,

  3. #18
    Ausfish Premium Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser

    Hi All,

    Just in case anyone's interested, I dropped the truck over to John on Saturday afternoon. A couple of hours later, I picked her up and can't believe the difference. The 2" lift would have to be closer to 4" net, since she was obviously sagging badly beforehand (I've got duel fuel, so the LPG tank and tyre/bracket on the back was exaggerating the sag). Cornering is much better too. The only thing that now seems a bit odd is that the tyres now look small

    They're only 6 months old, so I'll put up with it

    I'd be happy to recommend John's work, and if anyone wants his contact details, just ask. I saved myself quite a few bucks and had it done when it suited me (weekend).

    I also managed to park it in my work's underground carpark without knocking off any sprinkler heads, so it looks like I've got it just right

    Good luck,

  4. #19
    Ausfish Premium Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser

    Sorry, meant to add - a big thanks to GBC for putting me on to John in the first place. Isn't Ausfish great? [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

    Good luck,

  5. #20

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser

    Will have to have a look on Saturday Mike. Sounds like it should look good.

    Next we'll get you some 35's to run with all that room under those arches!!! Actually - We need to get you up to Landsborough & give it a test. Got a video camera???

  6. #21
    Ausfish Premium Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishin_Dan
    Will have to have a look on Saturday Mike. Sounds like it should look good.

    Next we'll get you some 35's to run with all that room under those arches!!! Actually - We need to get you up to Landsborough & give it a test. Got a video camera???
    I have mate, and feel free to have a sticky-beak on the weekend.

    I'm off on a drinking pilgrimage to Scotland in a couple of months, and then off to Moreton on a similar excursion a few days after I get back (gotta love long service leave). I'm getting the truck into shape before I head off as I won't have time when I get back and before heading to Moreton.

    Good luck,

  7. #22

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser

    any before and after pic's


  8. #23
    Ausfish Premium Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser

    Hi Mate,

    If an "after" pic on its' own is worthwhile, let me know and I'll take one or two for you. Unfortunately I don't have any "before" pics for comparison...

    Good luck,

  9. #24

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser

    It looks much better! We've gotta get you up to Landsborough now Mike! Get those new shickies tested

  10. #25

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser

    Glad to hear the good news mate - maybe he'll give me a spotter's discound for my next set........
    nil carborundum illegitimi

  11. #26

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser

    Will this guy plate his work do you know? ie If I go for higher than normal suspension lift, can he plate the work?

  12. #27
    Ausfish Premium Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser

    I wouldn't know Dan. It seems he only specialises in 4WD suspension work, so there's a reasonable chance.

    He gave me a few of his business cards though, so PM me if you need the details and I'll dig them out & pass them on.

    Good luck,

  13. #28

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser


    Plating his work? Not sure what your mean here.
    2" spring/2" body lift is all that is legal in QLD. Anything else is all care no responsibility.
    Download the mod brochure from QDOT to see other mods, but if it ain't in the book it ain't plateable.....
    Heaps of big trucks getting around SEQ, but I couldn't afford to write one off and not have insurance cover - not to mention the possibility of going to jail......


    nil carborundum illegitimi

  14. #29

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser

    I was under the impression that you can lift you truck higher than 2" susp. & 2" body if it has a "Blue Plate" (I think that's what I was told it was)... It's essentially the same an engineers certificate in NSW. Just a modification plate...

    Maybe this info was incorrect?

  15. #30

    Re: Lifting a Cruiser


    Not that I know of in QLD, but I've been wrong before and would be the happiest man alive if I'm wrong again - would love some more legal air under mine......
    NSW can get most things done - just require engineering by a private certifier as you say for eg. Fourby's (aka discount tyre service) had a 'siggi' converted '80 series with 44" tyres but they kept it NSW registered.
    There is new Australia wide legislation coming out soon covering vehicle mods, and it roughly brings the rest of the country into line with QLD - ie 4" max or no more than 1/3 the distance between the bump stops up or down.
    I was told by my local tyre fitter when I was pricing 32" tyres for the 'lux of a sobering story.
    Bloke travelling up north on the family holiday in a patrol with 33"(305/70/16) tyres (very common size) - lost it and hit another car with a fatality. This guy may go for manslaughter due to unroadworthy car.
    Needless to say I left the 32's on the shelf and bought another set of 31's for highway work.


    nil carborundum illegitimi

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