If you have coil suspension at both ends then lifting it is easy. But keep in mind 2" is the highest you can lift your vehicle legally in QLD.
Probably the main reason the 100 series just seem to a little low, is because these days 4wd's arent produced to go offroad...its more a pick the kids up from school thing. anyways, with that rant out of the way
Replacing coils is an easy job, but if you have limited mechanical knowledge then I would strongly suggest getting someone else to do it.
Just a quite note on torsion front ends (aka independant front)...sure you can dial the front up, but when you do this, you will effect the amount of down travel you have....basically...offroad...IFS SUX!
But once again...thats what mummy wants when she is dropping off the kids...so thats what the manufacturers produce...serious off roaders are coming second these days when it comes to new 4wd's.