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Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.
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Thread: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

  1. #1

    Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    Recently NSW made BULLBARS with any thing sharp on it ILLEGAL.This specificly mentions RODHOLDERS in use or not. Can someone please tell me how to get around this when carrying surf rods.(would prefer not to use roofrack as carry a tinnie) ANY suggestion welcome thanks maxis.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    Surely if they have fishing rods in them they couldn't be classed as being sharp.

  3. #3

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    My understanding is that it is legal to use rod holders if there is rods in them. If your rod holders are on your bullbar and you are not using them, it is just a matter of losening the bolts and turning the rod holder back so it does not protude in front of the bull bar. Hope this helps.

  4. #4

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    Thanks for your replys ALYMAR and JEWIENEWIE, but my concern is a QLD plate might be fair game in NSW as you can see @ Maybe an extension for holder so butts dont stick out past bullbar.Has anyone been booked for this offence,am i just parinoid or should i just cop the $104- fine if it comes?

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    I think its illegal but I do it a fair bit and have been parked next to cops at the lights. I take the holders off though after use.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member Rhetly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    I have been pulled over in Qld to blow in the bag and the copper was polite enough to inform me that my empty rod holders were illegal and that it was 1 point and roughly $100 fine. (can't remember the cost exactly) he told me to remove them on the road side and let me go.

  7. #7

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    In QLD the law says

    Reasons for rejection:
    • The vehicle body is not free of protrusions or fittings likely to cause injury to any person with
    whom the vehicle may come into contact. (See Note 8)
    • Permanently mounted fishing rod holders, driving lights and fog lights protrude above or
    forward of the top rail or leading edge of the bumper or bull bar.
    • Temporarily attached rod holders are not removed or adjusted so as to meet the above
    requirement when not in use.

    But page 10 of below

    Read the disclaimer at the top of the document

  8. #8

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    NSW regulations state you may not have a protrusion from your bullbar. This means the holder itself may not protrude, and if rods are being carried they also may not extend beyond the bullbar. It will only take a copper to be having a bad day for you to be booked if the rod butts do protrude. Yes, mine do and I haven't been fined.. but I'll have to cop it on the chin if it ever arises. Last time I got pulled over at 3am to blow in the bag they weren't mentioned, odds are if I'd been in a major centre it would have been.

  9. #9

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    i was pulled over a few months back after following a cop for a few k,,, he pulled to one side,,let me pass,,then hit the lights,,,,his prob seemed to be that the driving lites i have hanging off the front obscure the rego plate,,he was informing me all of this whilst resting against the holders,,,,,,,

    i dunno what he means
    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Argle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    Are you sure you have enough light on that thing Chop?
    The poor old lux must die in the a$$ when you turn em all on at the same time.
    Let me guess you're afraid of the dark right?

    Cheers and Beers

    "Mystique" Haines Signature 580BR with 175 of Mr Suzuki's finest ponies

  11. #11

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    UH HUM SCOTT,,,,, mazda bravo mate,,, runs 150/90 in headlites and 150 in main spots with 125 watt on balance,,,dark ??? what dark,,,, mate has the twin of mine and we've had reports that when were running side on down bribie beach you can spot us from redcliffe,,,,,,,,,,,runs twin batteries,, but is subject to severe drain when the old motors not ticking over

    and no i dont work for energex paul,,,,
    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member Argle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    Whoops my bad Chop sorry mate Very insulting to you and I apologise. Must be blinded by all the lights
    I reckon you could see it from Mt Cooth-ta!!

    Cheers and Beers

    "Mystique" Haines Signature 580BR with 175 of Mr Suzuki's finest ponies

  13. #13

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    I have been booked for having the rod holders on my ute. I live near Rockhampton in CQ. The cop said that it was only illegal to have the holders on the bull bar when not carrying rods. He said that if I loosened the nuts and spun it around so it doesn't present a sharp edge, I will not get booked.

    I took them off, because I don't have enough room for them to spin around between the bar and the bonnet ('99 Triton 4x4 with TJM Steel bar).

    The fine was $105 and 1 point.

    On the day I was fined, the cops were stopping every 4x4 and all utes, checking for defective vehicles. There were a couple of vehicles that looked ok to walk past them, but the cops had removed the number plates and the vehicles were being towed away. I breathed a sigh of relief when I didn't get fined for my wheels (the 31x10.5 / 15 inch tyres on a 7 inch steel rim JUST hang out about 5mm from the guards). That would have been a point for each wheel, 5 points if you count the matched spare!



  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    I also have been booked coming off the Western Freeway cop travelling opposite direction turned around and booked me this happend about 3 years ago >

  15. #15

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    Hi choppa, last year the cop on fraiser was booking everyone (as they came off the barge) who had spots or rod holders extending past the front of their bars, just like your big spotties

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