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Thread: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

  1. #16

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    Yep its illegal to have the rod holder on the roo bar when not in use in Queenland as well..Found out 2002 when I was booked for it at Redcliff..cost $100 odd...If you loosen the U bolts and spin them round when not carrying rods there is no problems however.....

  2. #17

    Re: Illegal Rod Holders in N.S.W.

    Just take 'em off or spin them around, no problem.

    It'd be bad enough getting hit by a car let alone leaving your guts hanging on a fourbys rod holder.

    Just because one cop didn't book you doesn't mean the next cop won't.

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