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What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?
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Thread: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

  1. #1

    What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

    Just about to go camping up at Teewah and I'm taking my box trailer. Anyone got any suggestions on a good rust proofing product? It has been suggested to me that I try Lanox. At $60 a bottle I want to check that it's the right product for the job.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

    fish oil is the go but word of wisdom..........put it on quite a bit before as it wont dry and you will ome back with a trailer that you could use as sandpaper... Learnt this with my 4WD now how can I say no beach 2 years on and its about half gone ....oh well no rust though

    Also have a look at lanolin I have just bought one off ebay for $18 for a litre (liquid). It is a brisbane based guy that sells it.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Jan 2006

    Re: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

    That Lanolin is great stuff when you can get it i would also recommend it try &
    make sure that most area on the trailer that have lip's and creases are not
    a trap for sand and water if the water and sand can be removed freely this will
    also help you lot's...


  4. #4

    Re: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

    I have always used a mixture of tectyl and fish oil, the fishoil helps it seap into the hard to get at places

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Feb 2006

    Re: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

    Lanolin/Lanotec is awesome. I also re-sprayed a boat trailer with Kill-Rust enamel paint (don't know price because it was left over at work) then I sprayed fish oil inside all the opened RHS sections. I wrapped the springs in denzo tape (an oily tacky cloth tape) which we used for protecting areas of our crushing/conveying plants from corrosion. A year later when I got rid of the boat (sob, sob) the trailer was still in great nick.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member lippa's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

    tectyl, full stop

  7. #7

    Re: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

    I've also used tectyl. Great stuff!

  8. #8

    Re: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

    Lanolin comes from sheeps wool, particularly Merino sheep.

    Go to a sheep market, buy a big Merino ram or ewe (in full wool) and rub them all over the bottom of the trailer. Then shear the sheep, sell the wool, keep him (or her) to fertilise and mow the lawn for a year, shear him again and then sell him (or her) off.

    That would be a very low cost way to do it.


  9. #9

    Re: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

    raider you missed the part about the big sunday roast where you get a spit and invite all the ausfishers around for a mass feed..

  10. #10

    Re: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

    Ha Ha,

    Thats right, better than feeding them the coral trout in the freezer!!!


  11. #11

    Re: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

    lanoguard also comes in a grease if you put a dollop inside chasis as you spray in the liquid then park on a hot road it'll drop, spread & coat. The grease is also good to wipe over parts that'll get sand blasted.

    Guys with no idea will tell you that it makes the salt stick. Sand will stick but the surface is sealed.

  12. #12

    Re: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?


    Im thinking about the the tectyl solution.
    Whats the best way to apply it.

    I was thinking of giving the trailer a good was with something like salt x first to get all the salty crap off first.

    My trailer is only about 6 months old, gets washed after each launch and retrieval but is still showing signs of pending corrosion. grr.


  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

    Shell Ensis fluid - V (thick fluid) and Rustcoat 945 mixed 50/50. Live at Teewah and have used on several vehicles with no rust issues.
    Available from Blackwoods at Coopers Plains but needs to be ordered in from Shell.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

    Old thread I know but have just read it for first time (been away for 2 months). I used to be a sandblaster / industrial spraypainter. Short of whipblasting it and applying an inorganic zinc paint ( similar to Galmet but better ) now that I am no longer in the game, I use a product available from Bunnings and other hardware / building suppliers called " Ormanoid Brushable Duraseal". It is a bituman & aluminium mix paint and sticks to just about anything. I have spray painted it also using a pressure spray pot and it gives a much more silver finish than if brushing. Excellant for painting over new or slightly weathered Gal. Just think about it, the elements have got to get through it first before it even starts to break your gal. down.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: What's the best Rust Proofing for a Trailer?

    Whoops ! sorry about the product name in the above post the correct name is Ormanoid Silvershield - good stuff

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