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Thread: hyundai terracan

  1. #1

    hyundai terracan

    Am looking to buy a new 4wd shortly. Has anyone heard any reports good or bad about the turbo diesel Hyundai Terracan????

  2. #2

    Re: hyundai terracan

    From all reports they're not a bad truck... (for what they are) They don't do anything really badly, but then at the same time they don't do anything with standout performance either. 4wd Monthly has done a write up on them, or maybe shoot over to the 4WD Monthly forums and ask there.

  3. #3

    Re: hyundai terracan is the website for you mate. I have one mate and cant complain, great value in my eyes. Best fuel economy in it's class (pajero's,prados etc) smaller fuel tank is a pain (75lt). Built of the 90 model Pajeros design, but with a bit of a tidy up inside and out. Check the web men tioned for more.

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