Pull the banjo bolt out from where the fuel line enters the pump.
There will or should be a screen in there. sometimes it is in the bolt and othertimes it will be down the hole.
Gday Blackened,
From your description, you will need to take the fuel tank out & flush it out, otherwise you will eventually get crap again around your pump.
The other thing I would try is pull the rubber hose fuel line off the intake at the pump, put a piece of plastic hose about 1 - 2 feet long, fill with clean diesel, have someone hold it up or put it in 2 - 3 litre container, bleed pump then start.
This will eliminate any air leak you could have in your line from tank, as you could be sucking air but not leaking fuel. If this is the case you then have to pressureise the tank to find the leak.
If still no improvement, I would then get the injectors serviced.
If still no improvement, its got to be the pump, which may have got some crap in it whilst driving around with crap in the tank & low fuel levels.
Pull the banjo bolt out from where the fuel line enters the pump.
There will or should be a screen in there. sometimes it is in the bolt and othertimes it will be down the hole.
Reel Hard- Didnt's see a screen in the bolt at the fuel pump.
The exhaust is normal, just the usual black smoke upon applying revs.
Just droped the fuel last night and back blew the lines with air again, Just put 20L fresh diesel in again. We'll see how she runs after thats gone and mixed through later on.
have you had the injectors checked out as these usually cause a loss in power?
also did you accidently put petrol in it? it acts like it has air in the fuel when you get petrol in the diesel tank. smell the fuel its easier than you realise to accidently make this mistake.
No, it's def diesel. I haven't had that misfortune yet. Speaking to a few 4x4 mechanics yesterday they think its shit blocking in the fuel pump, as it's an overall problem. If it was a blocked injector... it's be more familliar to a missing cylinder.
actually when you think about it if you are doing 80 when you should be doing 100 it means that there is probaly a restriction in the fuel supply. so that inaquate fuel is reaching the injectors and also the pump not sure if you have a gause filter on the lift pump why not open the bleed screw and pump from the lift pump and compare the flow of fuel to another vehicle this would at least confirm if the problem is between the bleed screw and the tank. Another trick is to blow through the fuel feed line at the lift pump from the tank to dislodge anything in the suction line from the tank to the lift pump. You would hear bubbles in the tank if it is free and you can tell if there is a restriction in the fuel line. I once used the Mrs vacum Cleaner to get shit out of a tank in one of my tractors and she almost killed me for destroying her vacum cleaner. Ah what about lead in the fuel clogging a filter in the tank this used to happen with some types of fuel. This should give you an idea of how sensitivite the fuel systems are. I once checked for air suction leaks in the feed line by connecting it to an air compressor and putting the cap on the tank but you must be very careful not to put too much pressure in the tank as its not a pressure vessel. then I watched for fuel weeping from the fuel lines. another way is to cover all fuel line joints from the tank to the lift pump with grease so the suction line cannot suck air. Replace all filters and blow out all the fuel lines and drain the tank if you have done this then look at the lift pump if you do up the lift pump and the problem is in the water filter it will only block the lift pump again.
thanks for that bootyou.
I've done all that and the problem like said is now confined to the fuel pump. Looks like i'm pulling it off tomorrow and having a look....
Have you tried it with the air cleaner removed?
Reel Hard, Nope, haven't tried it with air cleaner removed. anyway, fuel pump is off (what a mongrel thing to do!) and it's going to the shop tomorrow to get pulled apart and cleaned.
Verdics in... Picking the pump up tomorrow. Insides were worn out and totally buggered. Rebuild is in order... and damn they don't miss you at $900.
Let us know once its back together how she goes.
I know this may sound stupid but have you bothere to drain the tank completlyby removing the drain plug and flushing it out to get rig of the crap in there. If you use the last of the 20 lt and there is crap in the tank you will gut pick it all up and be back to square 1
Westie, it doesn't sound stupid and yes I have done that. Will be doing it a second time prior to turning the key after she's back togeather.
G'day Dave
Just a quick question when was the timing belt done last and also if you look in the intake manifold is there a thick black substance?
Also when refitting your pump the timing is critical not just the base timing but the fine tuning or spill timing.
Just some suggestions if the pump repair doesn't work.
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