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Thread: Defender Towing Performance

  1. #1

    Defender Towing Performance

    G'day all,

    I know the defender has a great towing capacity, but will a defender pull a 2500Kg boat at 110kph?


  2. #2

    Re: Defender Towing Performance

    from landrover
    figures are for

    90 / 110 / 130 (as you didn't specify which defender)

    Max laden weight
    2400 kg / 2950 kg / 3500 kg

    Max towing weight (braked trailer)
    3500 kg / 3500 kg / 3500 kg

    Max towing weight (unbraked trailer)
    750 kg / 750 kg / 750 kg

    the issue isn't getting a 2.5tonne boat to 110 km/h, a Defender will do that - they are designed to tow - the issue is stopping it in an emergency.

    Nothing personal but you'd be a fool to do it particulary if you use a regular hitch.

    This discussion has been on the boards before and the exponential relationship of speed in determining momentum etc - once you're over 80km/h (even with a braked trailer) the stopping distances need to be huge.

    And then there is the issue of the fact that the boat is actually on a set of rollers that it can actually launch forward from - are the saftey appliances on the trailer rated to hold 2.5tonne of missile launched at 110km/h.

    Think carefully - my family uses the roads too.


  3. #3

    Re: Defender Towing Performance

    On top of that, there are often legal restrictions, depending on which state you live in, as an example my dad bought a very large caravan to tour around Aus in when he retired, then found out that basically he wasn't allowed to tow it any higher than 80 km/hr

    If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, politicians must be from uranus ?

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