Hey Kendall - you posted:
"landcruisers and patrols (6 cyl) all the way (heavy 4wds), the rest there is no cmparison (medium 4wds). "
Normally I dont bite to this sort of thing, but I cant resist. Your right there is no comparrision..for example my 95 Disco has a legal tow weight that Landsruiser and Patrol (of any year) can only wish for!! Think about this also - the 95 has alluminum panels all over and an alloy motor that weighs about 250kg less than the iron donks of Patrol/Cruiser - despite all of that its only about 450kg lighter than either the latest Patrol or Cruiser. My 95 does not have ABS or fancy stuff to laiden it down - so taking into account the vastly lighter motor and lighter body panels that means that despite its physical sise being quite a bit smaller overall (no argument here - thank Christ too) the undepinnings of the truck - chassis, arms etc must be heavier than the other 2 trucks being compared. Well, that would not surprise anyone who knows LR because they run a heavy guage full box chassis (the only 4WD to do so) not channel. The standard LR disco or Defender (Im talking live axle front and rear) is better off road over a range of really rough stuff than Patrol or Cruiser with their independant front ends.
The patrol has bigger interior and so does Cruiser (although not better to the eye - but thats in the beholder I guess) but as for other things, the comparrison in everything but purchase price (my 2002 V8 was $42 on the road when I bought it new!!) is to be made.
See ya on the trails in one of my pretend fourbees.