Been back a couple of weeks from moreton, had a fab time until found water at track to taylor bite. walked through and only up to knee height. i am only 5 ft 11. been through water much deeper than this in previous ute but alas not good for bravo's apparently. got to other side of bulwer and temp went ballistic. no air con, wife unhappy, whats going on! open bonnet, pour water in,going out same speed as goin in! looked and found five plastic blades of fan gone and great chunks gone out of radiator. Not good on a sunday,let alone on moreton! got replacement fan and radiator sent and fitted thanks to local at bulwer. ta dave.cost 1 ctn beer(labour) and transport on micat.Still under warranty but still in discussion with Mazda. Wonder what depth a turbo diesel with snorkel can go to?