wags on the water yes it was a great way to see this year out. These trips have definitely been a highlight for me this year. 4wd'ing is fun in itself but to do it in style with great Ausfish folk is just the best way to do it.
Mike it was a pleasure meeting you guys and hopefully you can make it to future outings. Yes I deliberately didn't mention the driver with the deathwish for two reasons, it gave you something to add and also the fact you had the best vantage point to see it all happening and therefore best qualified to mention it.Your pics turned out great!
Brian it was good to have you along with us in the convoy. Sorry the wierdos of Nimbin scared you away. Should have all joined us at the back balcony because there were more "normal" looking people out there which wasn't nearly as scary for the kids and we didn't stay long anyhow. Hopefully you would like to try the next M&G weekender at Mt.Mee once it is organized.
Finally thanks Phill for organizing and inviting us along. Yes I noticed the Nissan sign above the Pajeros in your pic and was debating whether or not to reply mentioning that and then I scroll further down and noticed you beat me to it.You don't miss much do you? lol