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Thread: Cobes

  1. #1


    Neighbour got sick of watching me go fishin so I gave him a trip today. Same old....can't find a LT so hit the cobes. Lucky they were hungry as even with the late start we are in time to watch the cup. Any good bets anyone. After 3 drifts resulting in two fish we sounded an close by mark and with nothing sounding we headed home. Mine was a smaller model and I'll post the pic of his when I get it off his camera.
    Cheers, Jay

  2. #2

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Re: Cobes

    good stuff Jay. nice cobe and pics.

    BTW put your money on makybe diva she will win
    Bring on the Marlin!!!

  5. #5

    Re: Cobes


  6. #6

    Re: Cobes

    Did you remember the gaff this time?


    p.s Phil it's easy to predict the race after it has run

  7. #7

    Re: Cobes

    nah wayne im not a fan of melbuourne cup so i never put a bet on maybe i should have.

    mitch i had the post up before the race.
    Bring on the Marlin!!!

  8. #8

  9. #9

    Re: Cobes

    Good work with the Cobe (again) Jay.
    Good Bets?
    A girl here at work got the Trifecta.
    $7,415 and she only invested $6. ............. Bitch.. [smiley=shifty.gif]
    Nuh , she deserves it, I am just pissed off because it wasn't me. [smiley=greedy.gif]
    With that sort of money I would have to think seriously about a boat upgrade. [smiley=bath.gif]

  10. #10

    Re: Cobes

    Thats the way jay, great to see some action shots!
    A mate of mine went today as well, he got a few doggies and then hit a school of over 100 cobes had a ball he recons! ...foxy

  11. #11

    Re: Cobes

    Thats a great pic of fighting the cobe. How heavy would it have gone?
    Nice fish.

  12. #12

    Re: Cobes

    It was a respectble size....mabey 25-30kg?????.
    He has scales so I'll ask him if he weighed it and get a pic soon. Got to get back to thre party.
    Cheers. Jay

  13. #13

    Re: Cobes

    You've got that Cobe holding pose down pat mate, just saw a very similar pic in the BnB. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

  14. #14

    Re: Cobes

    nice cobe jay
    you sure know where they are about in the bay

  15. #15

    Re: Cobes -(NOW WITH NEW PIC)

    Finally got the pic off him. The biggest fish he caught before was a mac tuna so this gave him a smile.
    Cheers, Jay

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