I was abit of a late starter, got back from working on moreton island late friday, took a look at the weather forcast and decided to load the boat for a trip.Rang a few crew members and as luck would have it adam(adamleah) wasnt allowed to go. So on short notice the crew was dad and paul. I didnt have a chance to enter the sunshine coast comp...
Left mooloolaba at around 10am saturday and found the conditions quite good although there was a fair swell present. Spoke to john on seasaw on the way out to learn they were into the fish so things were promising to start with. An uneventful trip on the way out althougth there was a lot of ausfishers on the radio.
Started fishing around lunch time on the hards and although the fish were there they were bighting tentative which was a little fustrating.With all the radio traffic i turned the vhf down and we listened to the test match and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon out on the water.
The old boy was showing us up on his paternoster rig and landed more quality parrot then ive ever seen on the hards, he was like a repetative machine.
As the day rolled on and we tried different spots a steady flow of different species came over the side. i was fortunate to get a number of good moses perch which i rate up there with the best for eating quality. The larger snapper eluded us in any quantity this trip but as night approached we hoped to remedy that.
By late arvo dad still hadnt let up on those poor parrot (he was having a blinder) and paul and myself fishing with lighter rigs were nailing pearlies of which a few were monsters as well as a steady flow of mixed reef species.
With darkness and a healthy esky dad a paul settled down for a camp, this was my oppertunity to do a bit of exploring, i put in a least 3 hours of sounding and was rewarded with two good showings in 75meters that would warrent further investigation as well as several smaller but promising looking structures.
After id had enough paul took over and continued sounding for a while and marked some other spots to the collection. After that i headed back to one of the spots and anchored on it and had a camp before getting up around 4am to wet a line. The line never hit bottom as a large pearly took a liking to it, mean while dad and paul made ready and dad was the first to hit bottom and hook up. He made the call early and said this ones a red. He was right too all 12.5kg of it. Meanwhile paul had a fight of his own going on ,on the other side of the boat and yet another large red hit the deck. My next drop saw me in action with one as well unfortunately he smoked me and rubed off on the bottom, bugger!
The action continued as the sun rose and rather then flog the one spot a call was made to try some of the other spots marked in during the night. The next good showing also saw instant hookups, but this time in turned out to be moari cod, this is always a good indication of a spot not regularly fished as large moari's are easily taken. It was around this time that dad hooked a large AJ and while fighting it a school of good mahi mahi came around the boat. i riged up quickly and hooked the bull. While fighting it, paul riged up as well and it wasnt long before we had a few 8kg mahi dancing around out the back, top fun!
From this area we worked south down to the northern banks and never saw another boat, the place was deserted. With the wind up our back it was a quick trip from there home, as we loaded the boat onto the trailer the heavens opened and it bucketed down, a free wash ! you beauty!
Catch ya...foxy
Didnt take many pics heres a few
early in the trip the esky with parrot