With the wind blowing at 200kt. last night I said to she who must be agreeded with that I don't think I'll get a fish this morning but at 230 and the wind easing to only 50kn I thought ...bummerbut by 330am (oh this is NSW TIME) why not go and check it out.I rang my mate and got him out of bed and off we went to try the rocks as the tide was right. getting there before dawn thought I would have a crack for a jew spinning scorpian lures. then just as the sun broke the horizion I got my first ...... this is no jew me thinks
and the first Tailor was on the rocks. With a quick change of lures cast cast cast cast ........ nothing so in the end my mate who was still waiting for his first hit got the sh*ts and started to pack up his gear, he had no sooner put his rod away when BANG the reel starts to screem again,by now the sun was high in the sky and hello, hello a samon i think but as he jumped clear of the water with the slug hagging from the corner mouth that no samon my mate cries as he flickes his lure back out to where I hooked up. so number 2 was soon flapping on the rocks. so for the next 45 mins flick, flick, flick nothing .... so looks like I'll be down at the rocks again bright and early again tomorrow
have a great day everyone and tight lines