Pushed out to hutchies today to look for some wahoo. We saw a few small ones first up and about 2 hours into the dive spotted a large wahoo. I dove to intercept it and took a shot, unfortunately the wahoo was bigger and further away than I thought and the spear stopped short. Spent the rest of the day harrassing a few parrot fish,tuskies,kingies and gold spots. On the way home checked some shallow coffee rocks. As soon as I rolled off the boat I could see two large rays with about 30 cobia all around them. I dove down and was approaching the school of cobia when I spotted what I thought was a shark coming up behind me, I turned to check it out and realised it was a huge cobia. I plugged it in the side and it towed me around for about 10mins. A couple more spears and he was in the boat. Good finish to the day. Cheers Doug