Met up with 'Billo' this morning for a half day run in the bay. Was hoping to head out NE Cape but was greeted with a stiff bay chop and thinking it was only gonna increase through the day we decided to do a quick and close mission. Explored a spot I've been meaning to look at but not much showing so off to the next option. Upon arriving it had a good show on the sounder so prepared for a drift. 1st drift and WHAM.......IT WAS A MARLIN ...............................OK mabey not , IT WAS A SPANISH MACKERAL ..............................I wish but not, was of course a cobe . We proceded to drift over the spot and every one resulted in a hookup or double hookup. Only rats this time but Billo pulled a respectable one outta the bunch. The deckies ALWAYS gotta out do me . We would drop a bait or plastic onto there nose and watch them follow it down and hookup each time. Kinda takes the effort away from catching them so we pulled the pin at 8 in the eskie even though the cobes wern't finished with us yet. Driving home we noticed a couple ripples in the highway and hoping it was a LT, Billo chucked a bait outta the boat only to hook another cobe . They are bloody everywhere .
Cheers, Jay