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Thread: barwon banks 23-11-05

  1. #16
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: barwon banks 23-11-05

    On ya lads! Good to see some knobbies are still on the chew. Love the pics. Great report. Makes me wanna leave work right now and head out.

  2. #17

    Re: barwon banks 23-11-05

    350meters of thirty pound line !! What a bummer.

    You should be running about 5kg of drag for that line class and 350m at 5kg of drag should stop most bull dolphin fish might need to set the drag with scales to save some line in the future Just a suggestion.

    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  3. #18

    Re: barwon banks 23-11-05

    the dolfinfish must of had a really weird day sinking to the bottom with all that line, why wouldnt you tighten the drag

  4. #19

    Re: barwon banks 23-11-05

    yea i think i set the drag to light next time i will set is a 5 kg drag

    rob just out of curiosity how heavy do you reacon a 1.5 meter dolphin fish would be. To answer your question i always tell dad not to touch the drag because he tightens it up to tight and he has lost big fish because of it. I will keep telling him not to touch it and i will just set it right next time.

  5. #20

    Re: barwon banks 23-11-05

    some nice fish there chemmy

  6. #21
    Ausfish Platinum Member mattooty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: barwon banks 23-11-05

    Some great fish there chemmy! Its awesome when the dolphin fish school up around the boat, especially when they are of a good size. We've had similiar size ones behind the boat but most throw the hooks on the jump. Only got one in that was aronud 14kg! Beautiful looking snapper there

  7. #22

    Re: barwon banks 23-11-05

    Great catch there for your old man chemmy - I was mad keen for the banks today but couldn't get the crew so had to settle for a day in the bay - kicking myself now though - should have pushed and gone...Always next time!!


  8. #23

    Re: barwon banks 23-11-05

    Little correction to the chemmy report.

    300m of 20lb mono was taken most likely by a shark.
    Mahi Mahi took the floater close to the boat when I was reeling it in hoping she pays some attention while other guys were feed her with pilchards. I had berkley fireline 20lb which is bad thing for floater. So basically she just took it and ran breaking the braid at the swivel within 3 secs and then performed spectacular 2 m jump out of the water. She felt so heavy.

    When we were getting back I have noticed that boat feels very heavy. When got to the harbour we have found 3cm hole in the hull at the bow. Plastic fitting which had drain hose connected to the anchor well has broken off and fell inside the boat exposing the boat to the splash flooding. This I will fix tonight as we are going to Tangalooma for 2 nights tomorrow.

    No more pearlies, any ideas where they went? Hope we did not catch them all.

  9. #24

    Re: barwon banks 23-11-05

    Love diving at the banks, trust me those tigers are pretty well behaved. Its the only place we have seen a 200kg black marlin and a 4m tiger on the same dive. The tiger was swimming away with an amberjack and my spear. The marlin was curious as to all the commotion. Seriously it is good to have someone watching your back though.

  10. #25
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: barwon banks 23-11-05

    Giday Chemmy,
    How come you couldn't get out with ya dad mate?? Stuck at school??
    Fantastic fish, bet you are itching for the chance to get out there and punish em again. Went fishing on a charter off Noosa once with a grilfriend (now an ex girlfriend) and she bought ginger tablets (what a joke ) to stop us getting seasick. Needless to say, she got sick as all hell [smiley=sick2.gif] [smiley=sick2.gif], couldn't put a line in the water and spent most on the day on the floor of the boat. She then decided to have a dip in 55m of water over deep reef (i was slightly embarrassed), and the deckhands decided it was time to clean the fish. The biggest splash i have ever seen happened about 30m from her and i went off my tree. She still didn't want to come in so in the end the deckie grabbed her by the arm and dragged her back into the boat.
    After seeing that happen, i have trouble swimming at the beach let alone the deep water. Think i am happy to stick to the fishing rather than the swimming...
    Cheers mate,
    PS. Will be up in your neck of the woods over new years, and probably a bit next week with my cousin up from melbourne. Should pm us with ya mobile and catch up for a fish eh?

  11. #26
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: barwon banks 23-11-05

    Mate it would have to be seriously hot for me to contemplate jumping over the side - a deckwash will cool you off nicely. Still - if thats your thing cool.

    Good fish as well - nice to see all the pictures come in.

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