Me and my brothers went for a quick fish at our secret little spot 25mins out from mooloolaba on saturday. After getting to the mark we sounded around to see where the fish were holding, as expected they were on the three 1m high bommies. This isolated gravel bed reef with about 20msq of wire weed on it always hold a very large school of Yakkas on it sometimes holding from the bottom up 2 30mrs high and always very tightly packed and under attack. Mixed in with them is alot of pearlies.As soon as we anchored my 2 brothers started pulling double hook ups of pearlies why I was having a bite to eat. I jigged some live yakkas and dropped 1 down no more than 5 secs and bang a maroi cod was on.This reapeted the second drop as well.I butterflied another yakka and dropped it to the bottom and pulled a 64cm red which supprised me for this area. Next livey got nailed and was stripping line from the reel 8 mins later an estimated 30 kg aj was carefully lifted on board for a few quick pics and hastilly released. As we had bagged out on pearlies we headed for home....( at home we realised we had miscounted was 2 short.