well jonesy and i headed out with a half decent report showing, normally that means we'll hafta put up with crapp weather, but this time all worked in our favour. We put in at mooloolaba about 2.30pm, and stopped at a couple of spots on the way out to where we were headed, nothing much on the sounder, but the bottom looked good. Threw out a couple of floaters, but nothing much was interested untill the dolphin fish grabbed on, that was a good 20 minute fight on 6 kilo, got him in the boat, second fish for the day, jonesy had allready caught a nice blue spot maori cod. We then started to burley up and got a few small pearlies that went back, then the snapper came on at about fiveish i rekon, we were non stop pulling fish in for two hours, and got busted by some big fish along the way. A change from our normal trip of unexplainable events. we were back at the ramp by 9, and on our way home after a great night, sorry to Sam for being close to ya spot mate, i wasn't quite sure that was it or not ? ya should of anchored up beside us, we ended up throwing back about a dozen good size snapper.