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Thread: wide mooloolaba 11/12/05

  1. #1

    wide mooloolaba 11/12/05

    David and I fished mooloolaba today left boat ramp at 230am to beat the sun up. First light produced very little and was fairly slow for the first hour. We then got a couple of snapper about 3.5kg followed by the 13kg amberjack. Started winding in a little squire and then wamo on he jumped to only let go about four or five times, then decided to give him about five or so metres of line which did the trick nice hook up. This bastard took about 15 to 20 to land on thirty pound braid oh what fun but nackered afterwards. We decided to drift around as things got slow after that but no good. Tryed another spot a little deeper and droped the anchor and birlyed which saw the rest of the fish that are in the photos. Over all not to bad a day a little slow but had a ball as did dave. Also dave scored a nice cuttle fish not sure whether to eat or use for bait dont no what they are like on the chew.

  2. #2

    Re: wide mooloolaba 11/12/05

    me with amberjack

  3. #3

    Re: wide mooloolaba 11/12/05

    me with snapper

  4. #4

    Re: wide mooloolaba 11/12/05

    the hole catch

  5. #5

    Re: wide mooloolaba 11/12/05

    top AJ boys, got a mate who swears by a butter bream or similar for AJ's or cobes

  6. #6

    Re: wide mooloolaba 11/12/05

    Try the cuttlefish on the plate, cook the same as you would for squid ie; DON"T OVERCOOK and you shoud have yourself a nice treat.

    Cheers Kev

  7. #7

    Re: wide mooloolaba 11/12/05

    put 2 10/0 in that cuttlefish and drop him back down and hold on
    make sure you are running some decent braid on a matto's saltiga

  8. #8

    Re: wide mooloolaba 11/12/05

    Nice hat pete...

  9. #9

    Re: wide mooloolaba 11/12/05

    Is that pete or freak have you seen the size of this guys feet!!!!!!

    Maybe you should stick with a real skipper Pete one that produces the goods.


  10. #10

    Re: wide mooloolaba 11/12/05

    Those ambo's pull hard, well done to turn it around.



  11. #11

    Re: wide mooloolaba 11/12/05

    Quote Originally Posted by vertico
    put 2 10/0 in that cuttlefish and drop him back down and hold on
    My thoughts exactly !!!!

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