Hi All, Left the boat ramp at Kawana about 3.00am. Headed out to the banks with Wayne(Streaker) and had good conditions staight off. Arrived just as the sky was was getting light to find about a dozen twawlers on the grounds. First drift watched Wayne pull up a nice fish but was not to be for us. Next couple of drifts saw the deckie pull up a nice snapper. Moved to another spot and had hooks up straight away. A lot of fish were lost about half way up for some reason about ten in total. Persisted on this spot while Wayne tried some other marks. The bite improved during the morning with some nice snapper, parrot and pearlies coming on board. Yours truley lost the fish of the day (7-8Kg Snapper) at the boat while trying to get it in with out a net. Lesson learnt always use a net. Left them on the chew for a glassy ride home at 55Kph. All in all a great day. Good weather, good company and a few fish to boot.