Well what can I say but the missus is a legend. I got a leave pass after only having our second child only a couple of weeks ago so myself the old man and his fishing buddy Andy headed out the Wide Bay Bar first thing Tuesday morning in good but sloppy conditions and headed wide. A couple of hours later I sounded around looking for Reds and found what we were looking for. For a change there was no current at all and we all hooked up on Big Reds with myself and Andy being dragged back into the reef and busted up after a few big runs. > The old boy was the lucky to get his coming and pulled a stonker of a Red and after that we proceeded to pull many nice reds and loose many big ones to the reef and sharks soon became a problem as well. Andy was onto a good fish, which took off like a rocket midway up and then turned into a dead weight. Turned out to be big Green Job fish head thanks to the sharks and looking at the head would think it might have been an easy 15kg fish or more. I kept the head to mount (no dirty thoughts for those who were) as I reckon they have one of the meanest looking heads in the ocean looking a lot like a t-rex Dinosaur. Anyway the fish soon went off the chew because of the sharks and the fact we lost some big Reds first up but that’s fishing and we had more then enough. Went looking for some new ground and found plenty for future trips and while trolling a few lures picked a skip jack tuna for the efforts. Worked our way back in picking up some big Moses Perch, Hussar, Gold Spot Wrasse and parrot. We headed back to DI in the afternoon for some protection as it was blowing a good 20knots of NE. Wednesday we stayed in close and pulled some Pearlies before heading for the bar around 9am. Outside the bar was plenty of surface action that appeared to be spotties so on went a LuckyPhill Slug and the Spotties were coming aboard. We drove towards a school of them and just as we got to it a big Spanish mack come straight up through the school and jumped approx 10 metres into the air with out a word of a lie. Never seen anything like it and we were amazed the height it came out. We had a quick troll but fuel was getting very low so we kept 3 spotties and headed for home. A good trip with the sharks giving us again another flogging and a total distance of 265km was covered.
Sorry good pics kept for you know what.
Regards Greg
The Biggest Red of the trip.