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Thread: Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

  1. #1

    Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

    Left Mooloolaba 4.00am aboard Up Up & Away to be greeted by washing machine conditions outside. Bashed our way out for almost two hours before arriving at Spot X. Fish were on the chew as soon as lines were dropped and squire, parrot and pearlies all made an appearance. No quality but numbers were anough to keep and interest. We almost bagged out on the pearlies thanks muchly to the "screaming" berley trail laid by the deckie. One of the loudest I have heard and great to watch Berley was soon working as the borther-in-law (aka Haggis) was hooked solidly to a nice pearlie. Haggis worked his magic in no time but did not expect to be shaking hands with a 10ft tiger shark Seems tiger was only playing with us and as soon as he saw our ugly heads he made a beeline for another postcode with Haggis' pearlie as his dinner date. Blew us away like we weren't there. Tiger 1, Team Big_Ren 0. Pre-identification, Haggis had even called for the landing net. Landing net not required Doh Despite the groundswell, there was hardly any current to speak of, so all-in-all a pleasant enough day.

    Paul & the Up Up & Away Crew
    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  2. #2

    Re: Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

    Haggis playoing with the tiger...or vice-versa
    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  3. #3

    Re: Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

    A happy Haggis
    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  4. #4

    Re: Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

    Haggis celebrates his pavarotti with a cool treat
    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  5. #5

    Re: Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

    Try that again
    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  6. #6

    Re: Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

    A pair of boneheads
    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  7. #7

    Re: Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

    Haggis pleased with his Pearlie
    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  8. #8

    Re: Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

    The day's work
    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

  9. #9

    Re: Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

    thats a nice feed there some good quality fish.


  10. #10

    Re: Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

    Ended up with a good feed there Paul, conditions were alittle average for the day.


  11. #11

    Re: Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

    Sounds like you had some fun out there, and topped it off with some nice fish.

    Well done


  12. #12

    Re: Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

    Good haul of fish there boys. Shame about the bout of sickness but good on you Hagis for helping the rest of the crew with regards to berley!!!

  13. #13

    Re: Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

    Hi Paul - some nice fish there - we stuck to our plan and trolled for spaniards - we lost one big tailor bait early - bait got smashed - ratchet howled - then stopped - then howled again - briefly but no hookup ..............wind in a sorry tailor head and some remaining skin and guts. bugger - how can such a big bait get samshed to pieces and the fish still misses 4 X 8/0 mustads.

    Moved out wider - nothing doing except a 5 ft hammerhead which I saw leap out of the water and nail one of the trolled pilchards. Some fun in the boat as my mate wanted his good hooks back. We played wrestle the hammerhead for a few minutes and then gave him the heave ho back into the briny. No spot mackeral around either to keep things interesting. It appears the fish have bypassed us in all the crap weather recently.

    Might have to have a look at some of your spot x's - weve run out of fish in the freezer - tragic!!


  14. #14

    Re: Banks Assault Sat 14/1/06

    Thanks all for the comments. Seems like there are a lot of great reports from the coast this week, especially Mark with his black, evil hoo and dollie.

    Goona, Haggis wasn't laying the berley trail, it was deckie #1 and that was it for him for the day after that, poor bugger. Haggis just cashed in.

    Phill, this bout of bad luck has to end soon mate. You're not taking bananas on the boat are you? From reading some of the other reports, there were a few other grey coats around. I would have snapped a pick in the water but my hand was shaking too much to hold the camera steady. He actually bared his dentures at us before taking a dive. What a sight! We ended up our day trolling some hard bodies closer to shore and did take one hit on the Halco Giant Trembler (single tooth mark) but no hook-up and that was it for the day. Tried to give you a buzz on the 27meg but couldn't get hold of you from out there. I might need VHF me thinks.

    Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"

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