Still new at this, but seems there is not much happening around at the moment so thought I'd give a post a go....and provide a little reading material.
New to reef fishing offshore but went out to the banks last Tues/Wed 17th & 18th gone, and again Tues/Wed 24th & 25th.
1st trip was rough up till midnight then like glass the following morning. We took 10 snapper ranging from 2kg up to 7kg, a few pearlies and fingermark, a small yellowfin, sweetlip emporer and a lovely dolly heading back in, dolly was 1.2m long. will try and post a few pics of that trip but let me warn yous that I am no photograher as you will see. Also caught another 10 keepers but deceided we had enough for a feed for the whole family and then again caught about 40 other undersize fish all types, coral trout, red emporer, hussar, wrasse and all the above undersize too.
2nd trip was really rough getting out, took nearly 3 hours to get to a spot but the action was red hot once we anchored up only lasting for a few hours, first hook up a nice coral trout, then it was snapper one after the other, we kept only 10 that night but hooked up about another 10 keepers which we released and again about another 30 unsized fish too, next moring conditions had improved but was not like glass and the fishing was even better, bagged another few snapper, 6 fingermark, a green jobfish 700mm long, red throat emporer, coral trout, a few pearlies and then we deceided that was enough so we released all the rest, catching another 20 snapper which would have all been keepers and heaps of other mixed species, all in all I think we must have caught 100 fish (and I am not pulling your leg)
heading off the old man hooked onto a GT which measured just under the 1m mark, he was also released. Then we got a double hook up of 2 nice dollies, but both got off before landing.
Anyway hope that gives a few of you guys a bit of a fix, I can tell you that all 3 of us in the boat on the last trip provided plenty of berley.
ps- no pics of this trip as the camera batteries went flat out on the boat and was too tired to fix it up when I got back.
The sponge.